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Alt 07.11.2008, 04:32
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Adham Sharara | ITTF President
Registriert seit: 05.11.2008
Ort: Ottawa, Canada
Alter: 71
Beiträge: 132
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AW: Hello from ITTF President


You've said it all my friend, you've said it all !! Thank you. You said it much better than I would. I thank you for answering Neptune.

Regarding the long time it took to ban VOC glues was mainly related to two factors:
1. A strong and large group within the ITTF opposing such a ban and always working against any movement towards banning VOC glues in fear of ruining the sport
2. developing affordable and reliable testing equipment that would detect ALL VOCs.

With regards to the first point, as time passed, as the smell increased, as governments and health agencies and health practitioners started to sound the alarm, as studies were produced, as the ugly spectacle of players gathered in an area gluing with ventilators and some with masks increased, as the IOC Agenda 21 came to the forth, and as the top players themselves started to realize the health hazards, less and less opposition was found within the ITTF. Finally in 2004 based on a proposal from Japan the total ban of VOCs was passed with initial implementation for 2006, then postponed to after the Olympics in 2008.

I believe that the VOC glue ban is not an issue, this aspect will be history very soon. The challenge is the use of boosters and other additives that according to current ITTF rules are illegal. As of January 2009 special detection instruments will be introduced to detect such additives, and the ITTF is working closely with manufacturers to stop the production of such substances. But as you said, there will always be those that will find their own substances and and tinker with their equipment to gain advantage. It takes all kinds to make a world.

Neptune mentioned the intricacies of the low-friction rubber. As I read his comments I could not help but think, it's a good thing the ITTF set some standard. In my opinion this issue will pass over time as legal and according to the rule ITTF authorized equipment is developed by the manufacturers (as they always do).

But there is one important element that is often forgotten. Without speed glue, without boosters, the power of offensive players has been reduced. This is an opportunity for the rise of the defensive player, without the need of special equipment to counter the previously devastating attacks possible with speed glue.

I am optimistic, and you made my day sir. Thank you again.

International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF)

Geändert von TSC (20.11.2008 um 18:54 Uhr)
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