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Alt 14.03.2009, 05:06
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Adham Sharara | ITTF President
Registriert seit: 05.11.2008
Ort: Ottawa, Canada
Alter: 71
Beiträge: 132
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

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Can you tell us about the testing devices used this year - there is "Enez 2", and a new apparatus as well? When will their results be taken into account for disqualification etc.?
Yes, thanks for the question. What we refer to as Enez-2 is the second generation of Enez with a more stable sensor. It is always used with a very sophisticated R.A.E device as a backup. The RAE device is very expensive and only used by the ITTF at racket control to make usre the Enez is providing the correct result. Enez is available for all to buy at a reasonable price. We were hoping to have the new device called ELIZE in early January and use it at all ITTF events and then make it the offical testing device. However, the device will only be available for mass distribution in early Aoril. So, although the ITTF has it already and we dud use it at the Qatar Open, it will only be used "officially" as of 1 July 2009. In the meantime we will continue to use it for statistical and educational purposes. This device detects very low levels of VOCs directly at the surfave of the rubber. So, in fact it does detect tuners and boosters that do contain low levels of VOCs.
In QAtar, all rackets passed the Enez test, but 77 rackets out of 210 failed the ELIZE test. The players that failed the ELIZE test were informed and advised accordingly, but only the ENEX test counted officially. In fact, we are using this period as a transition period, and educational period and also a gradual move to the goal of "0" levels of VOCs.

As of 1 July 2009, the ELIZE testing device will be the official device used but as usual we will allow voluntary tests to the players before the match to make sure that their racket meets the ITTF rules. Also the ELZE will be available on the mass market and could be used nationally or at other levels as each national association may decide.
International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF)
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