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06.05.2009 14:03
AW: Hello from ITTF President

Good posting, Spin Devil. I like that you - in addition to just addressing the situation - also identified that action needs to be taken by the responsible authorities on the respective national levels. It's not the Chinese to blame nore the ittf.
06.05.2009 00:44
AW: Hello from ITTF President

Hi there,

I think it´s quiet ridiculous that the past tournament, formally known as "World Championships" has not yet been renamed into "Chinese Championships with some minor Guests." When I take a look at the those who participated and ended up latest in the round of last 16, I get the feeling that the dates of table tennis events should be better timed. Most of those have played recently numerous competitions in the european leagues and thus I believe that they went literally on their teeth to this tournament.
Today I heard, that the chinese prepared 39 days for this event. This will never happen outside China as the european clubs will never suspend their best players for a long time from their contractural obligations.

I personally fear, that in the near future most players in european clubs will have to decide whether they want to become olympic or world champion or if they want to serve their contracts and earn money.

Past tournaments have shown, that european players, well prepared and in good shape can match their chinese counterparts (with the exception of female players). But when they face the chinese under these conditions they will never have a chance. I don´t want to blame the chinese, because they focus on those events where it counts in respect to public interest. But within the ETTU a process of rethinking should begin. Is it favorable, that the eurpoean championships takes place each year?? Wouldn´t it be better if the scouting and training system should be coordinateted througout all of europe???

If the europeans don´t react soon, they will loose ground in the competitive race. If India with it´s population of nearly one billion people wakes up, the europeans will have to take good care of themselves....

And the ITTF faces the problem, that outside China, the public will not be interested in watching "Chinese Championships" every two years. As a consequence the TV stations outside China will cease its broadcastings from these events.

The dominance of one nation can destroy an entire kind of sport, example: women sleigh......of no interest for other nations than Germany, they lost only one race during the past ten years.....



27.04.2009 01:28
AW: Hello from ITTF President

Zitat von adham Beitrag anzeigen
And now I have to go back to our World Championships affairs. I hope you all follow on itTV and on the ITTF website www.ittf.com

Now that Timo is out, German interest in these worlds has dropped dramatically, alas... Don't expect high TV or Internet ratings from Europe. The situation really has become quite depressing, with all the medals most likely going to Asia. Good luck anyway.
26.04.2009 23:57
AW: Hello from ITTF President

Zitat von mmm Beitrag anzeigen
You're right, there can't be different rules in every ITTF member's territory.

The solution is simple, every player from England and Sweden has to banned from ITTF competitions, as their federations act against ITTF rules (they could take legal actions at a court in Lausanne, if the want).
I told you guys many times that each National Association is free to have whatever rule they want in their own country. This is the way all International federations function. But when a Swedish of English player plays in an ITTF event, then they must respect ITTF rules. Very simple. This is the same in Ice Hockey, Basketball and several other sports. It's not a problem, it's an advantage.

No player will be banned from an ITTF competition if they respect the ITTF rules at that competition. At home they can play as they like. I said this many times. You can use whatever you want at your club if your club allows it. Then when you play at a national event you must respect the National Association;'s rules, then if you want to enter an ITTF event you must respect the ITTF rules.

And now I have to go back to our World Championships affairs. I hope you all follow on itTV and on the ITTF website www.ittf.com

26.04.2009 19:04
AW: Hello from ITTF President

Zitat von Noppenkünstler Beitrag anzeigen
Of course it cannot be right if all countries have different rules. The only possibility which I can see is to allow frictionless pimples as there is no real possibility to recognize them and as there are more and more countries resetting the ban !
You're right, there can't be different rules in every ITTF member's territory.

The solution is simple, every player from England and Sweden has to banned from ITTF competitions, as their federations act against ITTF rules (they could take legal actions at a court in Lausanne, if the want).
26.04.2009 18:33
AW: Hello from ITTF President

Of course it cannot be right if all countries have different rules. The only possibility which I can see is to allow frictionless pimples as there is no real possibility to recognize them and as there are more and more countries resetting the ban !
26.04.2009 15:14
AW: Hello from ITTF President

today Sweden reset the ban of frictionless long pimples!
After England now Sweden.
Please think about this.
If some more will do then half Europe plays with the other without ITTF rules.
This can not be the right way!
24.04.2009 17:23
AW: Hello from ITTF President

Zitat von TSC Beitrag anzeigen
Cool New York Prices, too!
Dirt Cheap!! - I guarantee you, that you'll end up paying more for parking.
24.04.2009 17:13
AW: Hello from ITTF President

I'll check the place out over the course of the next two weeks - and report back to you guys, of course.
24.04.2009 11:33
AW: Hello from ITTF President

Cool New York Prices, too!

$7.50 per half-hour for standard tables
Standard Annual Membership Prices: Individual $800 or $80 per month*

The place looks a bit goofy but I don't mind reading gossip in the future about George Clooney and Susan Sarandon playing TT as long as it helps the cause!

If you have a date, a highly anticipated grudge match, a limited amount of time to play at lunch or if you just want to sneak in a pre-dinner match
Pre-dinner match? New York, huh?
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