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23.01.2017 02:25
Eriko Hashimoto
AW: Where do you come from?

Zitat von Tsuyoshi Beitrag anzeigen
I come from Japan, Saitama, about 30 km to Tokyo, not far away (about 70 km) to Chiba, where the World Championships 1991 took place.

Great from Japan , yoroshiku onegaishimasu. I got friends in Japan some are from 東京.
I am from West Germany, NRW, Düren (This City is the most ugly place in the world, but a few miles away is waiting the Eifel which is a nature beauty, hello my tiny mountains of the Eifel and Düren is right between 2 great Cities Aachen and Cologne).
I´m learning a lot of languages also Japanese, when learning Languages the Web-Site Lang-8 is really a great help, to learn every language.

Also Hello to all the other people from all over the world USA (so many people from the US here), Poland, Italy, France, Brazil (also very cool), Austria, Belarus, Sweden, Hungary, Belgium, Israel, Czech Republic and "seid gegrüßt" to my Landsmen and specially all my respect to the Landsladies from Germany.

And Congrats / Omedeto to Miu Hirano did not become only ITTF Breakthrough Star Award Winner and the youngest World Cup Champion last year, a few days ago she did become the youngest All Japan Championship Winner in History by beating Kasumi Ishikawa in the Finals, Yosh! Miu-Chan.
22.01.2017 22:50
Schrecken der Nation
AW: Where do you come from?


But while thinking about it I did not recognize any other fact which says something positive about Italy.
22.01.2017 22:17
AW: Where do you come from?


From you favourite food country!

Everybody loves italian food, isn't it!?
14.03.2013 20:49
AW: Where do you come from?

Zitat von Coach Beitrag anzeigen
In this forum are people from different countries. I`ve seen USA, Sweden, Belarus, CZ, Austria.

Are there also people from other countries?

Where do you come from?
I come from Japan, Saitama, about 30 km to Tokyo, not far away (about 70 km) to Chiba, where the World Championships 1991 took place.

Maybe you know Saitama since 2002 (stadium2002). During FIFA World Championships there had been some matches in our city: Cameroon - Saudi Arabia, England - Sweden, Japan - Belgium and Brazil - Turkey.

Or maybe you know the club in Nihon Pro Soccer League (J. League) Urawa Reds! It is also in our area!

Like you see, my english is not so bad. I love learning languages, I also speak a little bit french and I am learning german, so I like also this discussion forum, because I can improve my skills.
25.07.2008 04:57
AW: Where do you come from?

That's what I'm talkin' about, Peter!

Let me take you up on that (not only you, Peter, I do appreciate your contribution, but anybody else out there who feels comfortable sharing more than just sharing what kind of rubber they recently got on their forehand).

Supposedly allegedly, a good number of highly educated colleagues - last but not least, you yourself - swarm around here - therefore, I'd expect them stepping up to the plate and getting the thing rolling here. I'd be more than happy to take over the role as a moderator, but I definitely need some folks who are capable pullling in off, as apparently, my command of English is rather limited.

In other words, it's all yours - therefore, rock on!
24.07.2008 23:31
Peter Igel
AW: Re: Where do you come from?

Zitat von Francis54 Beitrag anzeigen
I've been living in Lorraine (Lothringen) for 11 years, now I'm in Nancy. Before that I've been living for 29 years (!) in Strasbourg (Strassburg), at the german border!
Which "border"?
We're "one Europe"!

...I don't know where "I come from"....but at the moment, I live in Delmenhorst (near Hude, far away from Austria)...

Greetz to the "mates from abroad"...
23.07.2008 18:00
AW: Where do you come from?

Folks, I don't wanna be nitty-gritty here, but cut the shit out, please. Believe it or not, every now and then we have mates from abroad peaking in to see where everybody else is coming from. Probably just out of curiosity, but that doesn't matter. And your recent gibberish ain't helpful. Thanks.
23.07.2008 12:29
AW: Where do you come from?

Zitat von Rema Beitrag anzeigen
23.07.2008 12:02
AW: Where do you come from?

23.07.2008 11:51
AW: Where do you come from?

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