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24.07.2019 06:51
AW: ITTF has sanctioned friction tests on pimpled rubber.

Zitat von Kim4U Beitrag anzeigen

The issue about the friction of long pimples is of similar importance as the fight versus boosters.
Yes. But while the fight versus boosters is getting ever more absurd not much is done on this end of the game, so at least this initiative provides some kind of balance.

Zitat von Kim4U Beitrag anzeigen
At the end of the day that's only an attack versus the veterans players, for whom these kind of rubbers are a support to stay competitive.
Again, yes. But on the top of the game you can´t stay competitive without boosting, and they´re fighting that, too. And the other veterans who stick to the rules might feel a little better when this kind of fraud is sanctioned.

For me and quite probably for you as well, boosting could be allowed and frictionless pimples re-introduced or no longer controlled and sanctioned.

But they can´t fight one and let the other just grow further.
24.07.2019 00:38
AW: ITTF has sanctioned friction tests on pimpled rubber.

First World Problems

The issue about the friction of long pimples is of similar importance as the fight versus boosters.

At the end of the day that's only an attack versus the veterans players, for whom these kind of rubbers are a support to stay competitive.
22.07.2019 04:40
Lousy Defence Wow!

When did they raise the minimum friction level on pimple (out/long) rubbers? Since then it was non-controllable, they were not ready to check up on players. NOW they can! Good work, ITTF!

Somebody please tell me: Who is in producing and selling the equipment? (Serious question.)
21.07.2019 23:48
ITTF has sanctioned friction tests on pimpled rubber.

ITTF implicintly sanctioned friction tests on pimpled rubbers.
They're planning to deploy the tests for some ITTF events in near future. The locals may adopt it on their own.

Anhang 69650 Anhang 69651

Be happy.

Igor Novick
national umpire

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