TT-NEWS Tischtennis Forum

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Lalo 23.11.2013 21:36

Discontinued blades (For Waldner's collectors)
1- DONIC J.O. WALDNER DICON JO-SHAPE, old edition (not the new version JTTA), 87 gr, perfect condition, like new!!!
60 euro

2-DONIC WALDNER OFFENSIV 40, ST handle, 91-92 gr, has a smal ding and few scratches on the edge, but is in good condition considering is 10 years old.
40 euro

if you buy both these blades 5 euro discount and FREE SHIPPING!

if you give me your e-mail i'll be glad to send you all the photos you need!:top:

Lalo 25.11.2013 10:37

AW: Discontinued blades (For Waldner's collectors)
90 euro shipping incl for both the blades!

Lalo 28.11.2013 15:51

AW: Discontinued blades (For Waldner's collectors)
last price: 80 euro!

Scuba 28.11.2013 19:44

AW: Discontinued blades (For Waldner's collectors)
I will buy both of them. Please send me some pictures, I have sent you my email address on PM.

Scuba 16.12.2013 19:53

AW: Discontinued blades (For Waldner's collectors)
I have received the package today. Everything is ok, thank you!

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