Thema: Joola Tango
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Alt 03.10.2004, 20:28
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AW: spannen oder strecken /Joola Tango

Zitat von ivo-M
Hello, yes indeed, these bubbles appear in the middle of the racket but little bit more too the top-end were most people hit the ball the most. And maybe you are right to say my style of play is not good for this rubber. My play of style is forehand-topspin. But i have used this rubber now for +- 6 years and only the last 1,5 years i have these problems. I am also thinking that the company made a bigger amount of rubbers with a not so good quality? But this is only a theory!
Hi Ivo-M,
well, a rubber should stand topspins, it´s made for that
I think a short period of time in that case is one month for someone who glues his rubber. As you don´t glue, this normally should never happen.
Hmm, so it´s quite sure that the quality is worse now.
How long can you play the rubber until the bubbles appear?

If you just put the rubber on the blade, if with a roll or something else and you don´t want to stretch it, you just don´t do. Don´t worry about that.
I think people who glue, stretch more, if they use their arm to press the rubber onto the blade.
The most stretching effect comes with glueing, as the glue makes the sponge bigger. Then I roll with a bit pressure and stretch it manually maybe about one or two mm in length. Thats all, and I never had bubbles by glueing like that.
(Only one time because of release the gum from the sponge by ironing not careful enough.)

Well you do nothing wrong, it seems not to be your fault, the bubbles always appear.
If you don´t want to change the rubber ( I can understand that), you should show it to your shop and ask for a new one, or for at least less price, if that happens again.
I´m sorry, but there seems to be nothing wrong you could change to have longer fun with your rubber
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