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Alt 30.03.2024, 17:00
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Carline Carline ist offline
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Carline ist verbrannt und wird nicht mehr ernst genommen (Renommeepunkte mindestens -500)Carline ist verbrannt und wird nicht mehr ernst genommen (Renommeepunkte mindestens -500)Carline ist verbrannt und wird nicht mehr ernst genommen (Renommeepunkte mindestens -500)Carline ist verbrannt und wird nicht mehr ernst genommen (Renommeepunkte mindestens -500)Carline ist verbrannt und wird nicht mehr ernst genommen (Renommeepunkte mindestens -500)
AW: Indien flutet den Nachwuchswettbewerb mit Materialspieler(innen)

Indian women have done a great job of educating the Indian girls.
Indian girls need to educate the Indian boys first and make them understand the moronic fallacy of European double inverted boosted looper lawn tennis model & help them switch to long pips.
Then the Indian boys can educate the Indian men, especially older Indian players as to how utterly useless the double inverted rackets in table tennis are, so that these older men can start using the proper rackest with one side long pips. It makes me sick to my stomach to watch all these clueless Indian older men who can't even loop even on their forehand, using double inverted rackets. This problem is the worst in India.

Regardless I am happy to see the progress with Indian coaches and their flooding ITTF tournaments with at least junior boys & girls for now.

I can't wait to see the ultimate demise of the double inverted model & a combination racket will be the standard in table tennis.
Nice to see India starting to help the end of the 30 year old abuse, torture & oppression of the pips players by the double inverted boosted robotic loopers (based on a false model)
But still lot of work needs to be done in India as thers still lot of resistance to pips among men.
India is the only hope for ending 30 year + horrible atrocities by the looper controlled ITTF against pips.
Flooding the sport with pips is the one & only way to establish a new order in table tennis with replacing all the crooked officals of ITTF , most of whom are former boosted double inverted robotic loopers or their puppets.

You go girls (of India)
Post #17 in thread below.

Geändert von Carline (30.03.2024 um 17:03 Uhr)
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