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Alt 13.04.2024, 22:08
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Carline ist verbrannt und wird nicht mehr ernst genommen (Renommeepunkte mindestens -500)Carline ist verbrannt und wird nicht mehr ernst genommen (Renommeepunkte mindestens -500)Carline ist verbrannt und wird nicht mehr ernst genommen (Renommeepunkte mindestens -500)Carline ist verbrannt und wird nicht mehr ernst genommen (Renommeepunkte mindestens -500)Carline ist verbrannt und wird nicht mehr ernst genommen (Renommeepunkte mindestens -500)
AW: Indien flutet den Nachwuchswettbewerb mit Materialspieler(innen)

More and more double inverted illegally boosted loopers are beginning to understand why such a double inverted racket is a total fraud perpetrated by the looper controlled ITTF for the past 25 or so years. (Bjorn Borg, Jimmy Connors, Chris Evert etc switched to two handed backhand as far back as 50 years but I gave a 25 year allowance for table tennis players to understand this brainwashing by the ITTF. I am ashamed I myself fell for this scam for the past 30 years.)

Table tennis claims from neuro science that it is the best sport at both ends of human life brain development for young children as best therapy for neuro cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, dementia etc
If this is the case shouldn*t children be using a tactical racket with inverted one side & long pimples on the other side for maximum thinking stimulation and not using the boosted robotic double inverted racket which is robotic and least stimulation for brain ?
For the most part I am not comfortable with using animals for medical research. But consider a brain development experiment with monkeys playing table tennis in 2 test groups, one using double inverted and the other group using a combination racket. I am quite sure the monkeys using combination rackets would prevail.
Combine this with the fact that backhand is either weak (or a different playing style) compared to forehand in table tennis for most players & also in other racket sports. It is not anyone's fault it is this way. It is just the nature of the human anatomy or physiology or whatever. Lawn tennis recognized this 50 years ago (or more) and moved on to two handed backhand but looper controlled ITTF has been scamming the players for so long because this is the European success model compared to the Asian penholder model.

Many of you reading this especially brainwashed two winged looeprs , may even get angry at me.

If you do, just ask yourself this simple question
What % players pro or amateurs, can loop (I mean REALLY loop consistently) on their backhand ?
In fact what % of amateurs can loop consistently even of their forehand ?

So it is good to see that the Indian (& Taiwanese) girls , led by Indian women are making the right switch to the combination racket model. I hope the Indian girls will educate the Indian boys & old Indian men to stop them from using the double inverted racket.

So in conclusion the double inverted boosted racket model is the vermin that is poisoning the blood of the sport of table tennis , firguratively ........and literally (illegal boosting). And it is NOT the combination racket that is the problem. In fact the combination racket model is the best solution because it is actually the best for the fastest brain development of children from a neuroscience perspective.
Allowing or coaching children (especially girls) to start with double inverted rubber rackets is double child abuse (blocking faster brain development & booster health issues) & allowing older adults (ages 40+) starting new in table tennis to start with using a double inverted racket is elderly abuse
Post #17 in thread below.

Geändert von Omma (14.04.2024 um 08:29 Uhr)
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