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Alt 28.06.2009, 13:16
Against All Odds Against All Odds ist offline
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TT in Spain

Hi there,

I am looking for a club in Madrid for next year. I already did some limited google research, but I haven't managed to find detailed information. Does anyone have some experience with clubs in Madrid and/or the Spanish system? Many thanks!

"It is not down in any map; true places never are." (Melville)
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Alt 30.06.2009, 11:14
Benutzerbild von Wolf_Vlc
Wolf_Vlc Wolf_Vlc ist offline
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AW: TT in Spain

Here is the web dirrection of the "Federación de Tenis Mesa" of Spain. www.rfetm.com
You can find a list with all federations, clubs and the leagues. (Go: links - federaciones) Go to the "Federación Madrileña" and than look at clubs. I do not know the clubs because I´m in Valencia.

Leagues are:
- Superdivisión
- Division de Honor
-1ª Nacional
-2ª Nacional
Territorial (Comunidad Madrid)
-3ª Nacional
-1 Comunidad de Madrid
-2 Comunidad de Madrid

If you want to play territorial leagues you have to inscribe at least beginnig of September (no idea for national) and you will need a certification from your old club that you a "free" for playing.

I think there is a "forum" where you can ask too.

Regards Wolfgang

Geändert von Wolf_Vlc (30.06.2009 um 11:21 Uhr)
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Alt 30.06.2009, 21:16
Against All Odds Against All Odds ist offline
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AW: TT in Spain

Great, thanks a lot!
"It is not down in any map; true places never are." (Melville)
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Alt 30.06.2009, 22:02
Tackiness Tackiness ist offline
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Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)
AW: TT in Spain

San Sebastian de los Reyes is a suburb of Madrid and has a well-known club (men's team in the Champions League, several women's teams too):

Here's the direct link to the directory of the clubs in and around Madrid:

Geändert von Tackiness (01.07.2009 um 00:20 Uhr)
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Alt 02.07.2009, 19:31
Against All Odds Against All Odds ist offline
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AW: TT in Spain

Many thanks!
I already sent out some emails...
"It is not down in any map; true places never are." (Melville)
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