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Alt 11.01.2010, 03:21
ttoutpost ttoutpost ist offline
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Eric Lindh vs. Matthew Syed - Sears International 1993 Video

1993 Sears International Challenge Table Tennis Invitational Tournament

Matthew Syed vs. Eric Lindh

Announcers Dan Seemiller,

Harper College, Palatine, Illinois


(low talkers version)

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Alt 11.01.2010, 18:39
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AW: Eric Lindh vs. Matthew Syed - Sears International 1993 Video

Nostalgic Indeed (Syed with hair on his head!). Does anybody know what Syed used to play (I assume pimples out on one and anti-spin on the other side)?
"Jedes Kind bringt die Botschaft,
dass Gott die Lust am Menschen noch nicht verloren hat."
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