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HeTTV - Verein sucht Spieler / Spieler sucht Verein Die große Spielerbörse im Internet! Egal ob Transfers in den oberen Klassen oder gewünschte Verstärkungen in der Kreisliga, hier darf alles rein. Achtet auf die Formulierung der Überschriften, umso aussagekräftiger, desto mehr Erfolg wird Eure Anfrage haben!

Alt 10.05.2016, 13:54
martinuvmejl111 martinuvmejl111 ist offline
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Registriert seit: 08.05.2016
Ort: Praha
Alter: 29
Beiträge: 53
martinuvmejl111 ist zur Zeit noch ein unbeschriebenes Blatt (Renommeepunkte ungefähr beim Startwert +20)
Playing in Germany 2016/17


Firstly please let me introduce to You. I´m table tennis player from the capital city of the Czech Republic. I played 4th highest competition in our country. I´m still young and searching for opportunities, now thinking about playing for your manschaft. I study and want to earn some money for playing, now I´m deciding between staying in the Czech Republic or going to play in Germany. I play with long-pimpled grass, so I am able to play defensively far from the table, agressively close to the table and attacking style as well. I´m really positive and have got much passion.

Could I kindly ask you few questions about playing? Is it possible? Is it possible to get some money or any other option of reward for that? I think that I would not loss in Bezirksliga. Bud it is very difficult to find out level comparation between Czech and German competitions.

Could anybody make an offer or is anybody interested?

If you have any information for me, don´t hesitate about contacting me.

I´m really looking forward to receiving any kind of answer or support.

Thank you very much.

PS: Sorry for writting in English- My German is not so good, but I´m learning :-)

email: martinuvmejl111@gmail.com
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