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Alt 18.06.2004, 18:58
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Advice To Confused Non-Gluer


I have recently returned to TT after a long hiatus. When I played before I never used glue and never really smashed or pushed. I played looping game combined with chops and long pips. My forehand was Sriver and backhand was Feint. The red and black color rule was not in effect then and I did flip my racket for mixing up the game.

Now I returned again and am really confused about all the rubber selections and rubbers catering to gluers. I would have continued to use Sriver but I'm also confused about the effect of the 40mm ball on my game. When I was playing back in the old days Yasaka and Butterfly were basically the only choices for a competitive player. Have the other companies caught up in rubber technology?

I have just gotted P.Chilla Offense Anatomic paddle with Tibhar Rapid and Tibrar Grass both with 2.0 sponge. I got the Tibhar rubbers mainly because it was part of a combo special. I like the paddle a lot and I do like the offensive Grass with the 2.0 sponge. I am still not sure about the Tibhar Rapid. A few times when I thought I should have had the loop the ball seemed to just slide off my racket.

Could someone please list the rubbers that are especially made for people who use glue?

Could someone recommend a good rubber for non gluer suitable to my style as outlined above?
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Alt 19.06.2004, 01:30
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AW: Advice To Confused Non-Gluer

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Have the other companies caught up in rubber technology?

Could someone please list the rubbers that are especially made for people who use glue?

Could someone recommend a good rubber for non gluer suitable to my style as outlined above?
First of all one could say, that the other companies have caught up in rubber technology.

Perhaps a list of rubbers especially developed for glueing players may be interesting. But I don´t think it will offer you much help, because these rubbers can also be played by non-gluers, so there might be a nice alternative you could probably overlook.

If you´re not pleased with your Rapid, you could try a rubber with a softer sponge like MarkV GPS or Sriver FX, have become often played classics in the meantime. Or something new with this "built-in-glue-effect" like Rapid Dtecs or the Donic Desto F-Series. For I am pleased with my quite old school material, I do not know too much details of this various new rubbers,
which all play automatically and so your wins come automatically

If you prefer more rotation for your topspin than speed, you maybe want to give something like a Tibhar VariSpin or a Tackiness D a try.

So much for your forehand. For your backhand I think there are some pimples that are far more dangerous than your Feint worth to check out.
I am thinking of Friendship 837, XuShaoFa 989, Curl-P1 or maybe one of the frictionless faction like the Joola Fakir.

Just found a nice site in English about pimples:

Too bad you can´t speak German, can you. You could spend years browsing this forum and read endlessly about new rubbers of all kind.
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Alt 19.06.2004, 02:13
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AW: Advice To Confused Non-Gluer

Too bad you can´t speak German, can you. You could spend years browsing this forum and read endlessly about new rubbers of all kind.[/QUOTE]

Yes I can speak German but it has been a long time. Ich kann Deutch sprechen. Ich wohnte in Deutchland im jahre 1986-1988 and habe Deutch gelernt. Vielleicht ich kann ein bischen in die Deutche forums anschauen, lesen und hoffentlich verstehen.

Heute ich habe gespielt TT und probierte meine backhand ohne Tibhar Grass - mit Sriver vieder. Es var besser als Tibhar Grass.

Ich habe keine ahnung ob du ferstehst mir ;-) Enschuldigen fuer den gramatishe horror.
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Alt 21.06.2004, 17:21
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AW: Advice To Confused Non-Gluer

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Yes I can speak German but it has been a long time. Ich kann Deutch sprechen. Ich wohnte in Deutchland im jahre 1986-1988 and habe Deutch gelernt. Vielleicht ich kann ein bischen in die Deutche forums anschauen, lesen und hoffentlich verstehen.

Heute ich habe gespielt TT und probierte meine backhand ohne Tibhar Grass - mit Sriver vieder. Es var besser als Tibhar Grass.

Ich habe keine ahnung ob du ferstehst mir ;-) Enschuldigen fuer den gramatishe horror.
Your German is fine (especially because its 16 years ago that you lived here) and I could understand you!

Additionally I think that Sriver is still a perfect rubber to play with! But I don't know if a Grass with a 2mm sponge is suitable for your game! Definitely not for defenders!
Good luck!
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Alt 21.06.2004, 20:25
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AW: Advice To Confused Non-Gluer

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Your German is fine (especially because its 16 years ago that you lived here) and I could understand you!

Additionally I think that Sriver is still a perfect rubber to play with! But I don't know if a Grass with a 2mm sponge is suitable for your game! Definitely not for defenders!
Good luck!
Thanks for your help. Yeah. I did dump the grass and went back to Sriver on backhand. So it is Rapid for forehand and Sriver on backhand. In addition I bought a second paddle and will experiment/learn gluing with Tibhar's Torpedo on both sides.
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Alt 22.06.2004, 09:43
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chris chris ist offline
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AW: Advice To Confused Non-Gluer

Zitat von Unregistriert
Thanks for your help. Yeah. I did dump the grass and went back to Sriver on backhand. So it is Rapid for forehand and Sriver on backhand. In addition I bought a second paddle and will experiment/learn gluing with Tibhar's Torpedo on both sides.
That doesn't sound very defensive to me
I glued for a couple of years, but I gave up, because it was too much hassle. I prefer the rubbers with "speed glueing incoperated" like the Butterfly "High Tension" or from different other producers Joola (Tensor), Tibhar (DTecs), Donic (Formula), Andro, TSP ...
They are not exactly like freshly glued rubbers, but they are quite good already and I am happy enough with the material I play.
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Alt 22.06.2004, 17:43
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AW: Advice To Confused Non-Gluer

You are right...it doesn't sound defensive. As a kid I started as an attacker. Then with the invention of long pips and the era of defense domination (before red and black sides rule) I tried to play long pips for a combination game. Then about 10 years passed and I started playing again. This time only offense. I played for about a year. Then after 10 years I started again. That's today. I thought it might be fun to play with long pips again. I reconsidered... Now I'm back with offense.
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