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Alt 31.05.2018, 10:39
Aziz Aziz ist offline
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Allstar Team to beat the China National Team at the Olympic Games 2020 in Tokyo


if you could nominate 5 players from all other countries, which would you chose to beat the CNT (China National Team) at the Olympic Games 2020 in Tokyo.

My choice would be:

1 Tomokazu Harimoto
2 Lee Sangsu
3 Hugo Calderano
4 Dimitrij Ovtcharov
5 Lim Jonghoon
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Alt 31.05.2018, 14:17
Townsman Townsman ist offline
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AW: Allstar Team to beat the China National Team at the Olympic Games 2020 in Tokyo

The problem is, that most countries only have one top player.

Only China has this wide quality of top players.

But if I could send an All-Star-Team I would take these players:

1 Tomokazu Harimoto
2 Lee Sangsu
3 Timo Boll
4 Hugo Calderano or Jeoung Youngsik
5 Dimitrij Ovtcharov or Simon Gauzy

But even this team would be not enough to defeat the China National Team.

Same difficult is it to get a women team to beat China. I would take these players:

1 Mima Ito
2 Miu Hirano
3 Feng Tianwei
4 Doo Hoi Kem
5 Cheng I-Ching or Soo Wai Yam Minnie
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Alt 02.06.2018, 23:01
Kwabena Kwabena ist offline
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AW: Allstar Team to beat the China National Team at the Olympic Games 2020 in Tokyo

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The problem is, that most countries only have one top player.

Only China has this wide quality of top players.
Yes! But see, don't forget Japan and South Korea!

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But if I could send an All-Star-Team I would take these players:

1 Tomokazu Harimoto
2 Lee Sangsu
3 Timo Boll
4 Hugo Calderano or Jeoung Youngsik
5 Dimitrij Ovtcharov or Simon Gauzy

But even this team would be not enough to defeat the China National Team.
See, I have big respect for Timo Boll. He is the best obroni player in this decade. But see, in 2020 he is too old and not anymore strong enough to win matches facing Ma Long or Fan Zhendong.

My All-Star-Team will be:

1 Tomokazu Harimoto
2 Lim Jonghoon
3 Dimitrij Ovtcharov
4 Hugo Calderano
5 Derek Abrefa

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Same difficult is it to get a women team to beat China. I would take these players:

1 Mima Ito
2 Miu Hirano
3 Feng Tianwei
4 Doo Hoi Kem
5 Cheng I-Ching or Soo Wai Yam Minnie
1 Miu Hirano
2 Mima Ito
3 Doo Hoi Kem
4 Cheng I-Ching
5 Bernadette Szocs

Kind regards, Kwabena
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Alt 13.06.2018, 08:10
Dominik25052013 Dominik25052013 ist offline
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AW: Allstar Team to beat the China National Team at the Olympic Games 2020 in Tokyo

1. Boll
2. Dima
3. Harimoto
4. Calderano
5. Mizutani
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Alt 29.06.2018, 22:31
Dima Ovtcharov Dima Ovtcharov ist offline
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Dima Ovtcharov ist ein angenehmer und geschätzter Diskussionspartner (Renommeepunkte mindestens +150)Dima Ovtcharov ist ein angenehmer und geschätzter Diskussionspartner (Renommeepunkte mindestens +150)
AW: Allstar Team to beat the China National Team at the Olympic Games 2020 in Tokyo

Thank you for choosing me!

My team would be: Timo Boll, Jun Mizutani, Hugo Calderano, Koki Niwa and myself.

Lee Sang Su and Harimoto would be the next 2
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Alt 02.07.2018, 12:48
JanMove JanMove ist gerade online
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JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)
AW: Allstar Team to beat the China National Team at the Olympic Games 2020 in Tokyo

China is unbeatable!

So, you can choose any 5 players. It doesn't matter.
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Alt 03.07.2018, 08:44
magnum magnum ist offline
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AW: Allstar Team to beat the China National Team at the Olympic Games 2020 in Tokyo

- Appelgren
- Waldner
- Persson
- Klampar
- Karakasevic

....sorry... just a joke
And it feels like an illusion - 1989 (NESTOR)

Geändert von TT-NEWS Team (03.07.2018 um 13:31 Uhr)
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Alt 03.07.2018, 08:49
Pavian1987 Pavian1987 ist gerade online
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Pavian1987 ist ein sehr geschätzer Mensch dessen Wort hier Gewicht hat (Renommeepunkte mindestens +250)Pavian1987 ist ein sehr geschätzer Mensch dessen Wort hier Gewicht hat (Renommeepunkte mindestens +250)Pavian1987 ist ein sehr geschätzer Mensch dessen Wort hier Gewicht hat (Renommeepunkte mindestens +250)Pavian1987 ist ein sehr geschätzer Mensch dessen Wort hier Gewicht hat (Renommeepunkte mindestens +250)
AW: Allstar Team to beat the China National Team at the Olympic Games 2020 in Tokyo

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- Appelgren
- Waldner
- Persson
- Klampar
- Karakasevic
Kara with a forced trainingscamp in China, please :-)

Geändert von TT-NEWS Team (03.07.2018 um 13:33 Uhr)
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Alt 05.08.2018, 17:44
Danylo Danylo ist offline
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AW: Allstar Team to beat the China National Team at the Olympic Games 2020 in Tokyo

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Thank you for choosing me!

My team would be: Timo Boll, Jun Mizutani, Hugo Calderano, Koki Niwa and myself.

Lee Sang Su and Harimoto would be the next 2
Dima, great to read from you!

Of course we could write in our language, but I want to be respectful to all other guys here and will write in english.

My favourite team to defeat China:

1 Tomokazu Harimoto
2 Lee Sangsu
3 Chen Chien-An
4 Dima Ovtcharov
5 Hugo Calderano or maybe better Conor McGregor
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