Verein sucht Trainer / Trainer sucht Verein (überregional) Sucht Ihr überregional eine Trainerstelle / einen Trainer, dann seid Ihr hier richtig. (In Eurem Verbandsforum habt Ihr auch die Möglichkeit, regional zu suchen!) |
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job offer table tennis coach
Hello there,
we are a large table tennis club in Germany that offers you the possibility of a „European Voluntary Service“ (EVS), working as a table tennis youth coach for 12 months. The EVS is funded by the European Union. During your stay you will be granted accomodation, boarding and an allowance. If you are 18 to 25 years old, come from an EU-member country outside of Germany or an associated country, have participated in organized table tennis practice yourself or even are a licensed coach and if you wish to spend an interesting year abroad working as a youth coach, please PN- oder E-Mail me for further information. |
AW: job offer table tennis coach
For more information about the "European Voluntary Service" please refer to this link.
AW: job offer table tennis coach
just to 25 years old?
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