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Alt 23.02.2019, 12:39
Jeroenw07 Jeroenw07 ist offline
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ITT Eindhoven 10-12th of May

Dear fellow table tennis players,

After a few years of absence, the Eindhoven Student Table Tennis Association
TAVERES once again organizes the International Table Tennis Tournament (ITT)! Although the tournament is primarily aimed at students, it is also possible to enter when you cannot compose a university team.

During this weekend, you will play plenty of matches: on Saturday, there will be a mixed team tournament, followed by a big party on Saturday night. On Sunday, there will be an individual competition for both men and women whose hangover is not too severe . Of course, it is also possible to play only one day or to be accompanied by some non-playing companions/coaches.

The tournament will take place in the weekend from the 10th to the 12th of May 2019 at the Students Sports Centre of Eindhoven University of Technology (Onze Lieve Vrouwestraat 1, Eindhoven, the Netherlands). The matches will start on Saturday at 9.00 am and it will end Sunday afternoon around 5.00 pm. You can already arrive on Friday evening and spend the night in Eindhoven.

Interested? More info and subscription forms can be found on our website: www.taveres.nl/itt-subscribe or check out our Facebook page. The entry fee is € 30,- per player for both days, € 17.50 per player for one day and € 17.50 per companion/coach (regardless of the number of days).

If you have any questions, feel free to reply or send an email to itt2019@taveres.nl. We hope to see you there!
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Alt 26.02.2019, 11:59
Benutzerbild von Nullinger
Nullinger Nullinger ist offline
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AW: ITT Eindhoven 10-12th of May

I participated in this tournament multiple times as a student.
I can highly recommend it to anyone who loves playing lots of games and party simultaneously.

Good to hear, that this tournament still exists!
Zeit hat man nicht, Zeit nimmt man sich!
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Alt 03.03.2019, 18:27
Kamil 28 Kamil 28 ist offline
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AW: ITT Eindhoven 10-12th of May

Thanks for the invitation from Poland!

Normally two players of us will come.
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Alt 07.03.2019, 11:52
Jeroenw07 Jeroenw07 ist offline
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Jeroenw07 ist zur Zeit noch ein unbeschriebenes Blatt (Renommeepunkte ungefähr beim Startwert +20)
AW: ITT Eindhoven 10-12th of May

Good to hear! If you know others that might be interested, be sure to point them to our site/Facebook page!
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