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Alt 10.02.2020, 02:48
Beiträge: n/a
ITTF World Tour 2020

I am not sure, if the Chinese national team will participate at the next ITTF World Tour tournaments.

This can have a big effect for the world ranking and also for the seeding for the olympic games!
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Alt 22.04.2020, 00:55
Beiträge: n/a
AW: ITTF World Tour 2020

this ITTF World Tour season is a disaster

the coronavirus situation destroyed everything. table tennis, economy and social life.
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Alt 26.04.2020, 17:32
Chewbacca 2
Beiträge: n/a
AW: ITTF World Tour 2020

I think in the year 2020 there will be none international tournament in Europe.

But I think in Asia there will be soon a restart, maybe in August or even more early.
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