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The TT-NEWS Club Bar Chit Chat - Talk about anything here. Not only tabletennis-related topics are welcome here, also other sports, politics, lifestyle, etc.

Alt 09.10.2004, 21:18
Donald Cowey Donald Cowey ist offline
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Does anyone know where I can find results/information about table tennis in Romania?
Anything from national championships, national league, top 12, memorial tournaments, is of interest.
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Alt 13.03.2005, 01:16
Romanianboy Romanianboy ist offline
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Smile AW: Romania

Zitat von Donald Cowey
Does anyone know where I can find results/information about table tennis in Romania?
Anything from national championships, national league, top 12, memorial tournaments, is of interest.

Hi Donald, you are from Romania? I am a Romanian from Düsseldorf/Germany. Where do you come from? I was born in Timisoara. Look at Google about results and informations about table tennis in Romania then you find ;-).

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Alt 15.03.2005, 23:33
Donald Cowey Donald Cowey ist offline
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AW: Romania

Zitat von Romanianboy
Hi Donald, you are from Romania? I am a Romanian from Düsseldorf/Germany. Where do you come from? I was born in Timisoara. Look at Google about results and informations about table tennis in Romania then you find ;-).


No I am not from Romania, I just have big interest in Romania. I try to make contact with people from table tennis club in Timisoara but I have no success yet. I try Google but no luck there either, only little bits of information. Tell me about Timisoara. I would love to visit there sometime.
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Alt 10.04.2005, 12:27
Dragonspin Dragonspin ist offline
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Dragonspin ist ein sehr geschätzer Mensch dessen Wort hier Gewicht hat (Renommeepunkte mindestens +250)Dragonspin ist ein sehr geschätzer Mensch dessen Wort hier Gewicht hat (Renommeepunkte mindestens +250)Dragonspin ist ein sehr geschätzer Mensch dessen Wort hier Gewicht hat (Renommeepunkte mindestens +250)
AW: Romania

Hey, my girlfriend is also from timisoara.
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Alt 03.05.2005, 16:55
Romanianboy Romanianboy ist offline
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Smile AW: Romania

Hey, cool whats her name and how old is she?
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Alt 03.05.2005, 17:04
Romanianboy Romanianboy ist offline
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AW: Romania

Zitat von Donald Cowey
No I am not from Romania, I just have big interest in Romania. I try to make contact with people from table tennis club in Timisoara but I have no success yet. I try Google but no luck there either, only little bits of information. Tell me about Timisoara. I would love to visit there sometime.

Hey oh yes I also dont find informations about Table Tennis in Timisoara... I travel in the summer to Timisoara for 4 weeks and want to play Table Tennis there but I dont know where. Can someone help me? Thanks!
Many people said that Timisoara was the most beautiful and modern city in the 1500 Century because the flowers, parks and the beautiful city. For 2 weeks you must take not more than 400 Euro. Its not expensive there but the people there get not much money, just 50-100 Euro a month. Many people there are pour and a little part rich.

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Alt 11.05.2005, 19:48
Dragonspin Dragonspin ist offline
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Dragonspin ist ein sehr geschätzer Mensch dessen Wort hier Gewicht hat (Renommeepunkte mindestens +250)Dragonspin ist ein sehr geschätzer Mensch dessen Wort hier Gewicht hat (Renommeepunkte mindestens +250)Dragonspin ist ein sehr geschätzer Mensch dessen Wort hier Gewicht hat (Renommeepunkte mindestens +250)
AW: Romania

Zitat von Romanianboy
Hey, cool whats her name and how old is she?
Loredana. 22.
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