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The TT-NEWS Club Bar Chit Chat - Talk about anything here. Not only tabletennis-related topics are welcome here, also other sports, politics, lifestyle, etc.

Alt 02.06.2005, 21:32
olzku olzku ist offline
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Registriert seit: 02.06.2005
Beiträge: 1
olzku ist zur Zeit noch ein unbeschriebenes Blatt (Renommeepunkte ungefähr beim Startwert +20)
Follow your notes in Eurobilltracker

What is this site eurobilltracker all about?

This site is all about Euro money, and whereacross the country or in EU the money has been. When you enter in a bill, thesystem saves all the information in our database. Then, if someone else comes alongand enters that same bill, a hit occurs and you will be able to see whoelse has had that particular bill and even better, where the bill has been.
There's a lot of user from Finland, Netherlands, Germany and Belgium already.This site is translated into all EU languages, including Deutsch.

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