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Alt 26.12.2002, 04:54
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Talking is the DHS hurricane II any good? anyone use?

please comment on this rubber
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Alt 28.12.2002, 11:42
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Re: is the DHS hurricane II any good? anyone use?

especially i want to know whether is rubber is good or not to reglue .... any one know ?
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Alt 13.11.2003, 11:37
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Re: is the DHS hurricane II any good? anyone use?

it is good to reglue, in fact, without reglue, it is just so so.
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Alt 05.01.2005, 03:09
slowspin slowspin ist offline
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AW: is the DHS hurricane II any good? anyone use?

In China most of us, use hurricane III, because it has different suface of other rubber, but in my opinion if you are power looper this not suit you, because the power of topspin is not better than Sriver、F1 etc
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Alt 09.01.2005, 06:02
richilo richilo ist offline
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AW: is the DHS hurricane II any good? anyone use?

as I know, the hurricane 2 user is more less than hurricane 3 users in China now, cause the 2 quality control is not good enough, you can not have same feeling while use two hurricane 2, but while use the hurricane 3, they are almost same.

the Hurricane 2 is little firm then 3, when loop the line the more lower and speed little faster, but difficult to control, and it must be glur before use, and the 3 is not necessary.

I'm use Stiga offensive Classic with Hurricane 3 front and Butterfly Sriver EL back, very good feeling,Around me, almost all Offensive Classic users use Hurricane 3 in the front of their blade, hehe.
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Alt 27.11.2005, 15:39
Josip Josip ist offline
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AW: is the DHS hurricane II any good? anyone use?

the most chinese to players use this hurricane rubbers
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