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AW: Coronavirus allgemein (Covid-19, Virologen, Politik, aktuelle Lage, Impfung usw.)
Armes Deutschland!! Geändert von Frei statt Bayern (20.09.2021 um 09:36 Uhr) |
AW: Coronavirus allgemein (Covid-19, Virologen, Politik, aktuelle Lage, Impfung usw.)
Hab Dich schon mal um eine diesbzgl. Quellenangabe gebeten.Das Gegenteil dürfte die wahrscheinlichere Variante sein.
AW: Coronavirus allgemein (Covid-19, Virologen, Politik, aktuelle Lage, Impfung usw.)
Ich habe ihm dann mal vorgerechnet, dass Norwegem mit dem Öl 1,1 BILLIONEN Euro auf die Seite gelegt hat, weiterhin keinerlei Anstalten macht die Förderung einzustellen und der Fonds mittlerweile mit ca. 6% an der gesamten Marktkapitalisierung des DAX beteiligt ist. Plump gesagt finanziert jeder Vonoviamieter jeden Monat die norwegische Rente. Dann kam natürlich der Vorschlag von ihm das hier auch einzuführen. Da habe ich dann vorgerechnet, dass man ca. 16 BILLIONEN Euro ansparen müsste für den identischen Effekt (Norwegen 5,3 Mio EW, Deutschland 83 Mio). Das gesamte Privatvermögen in Deutschland wird aktuell auf 6-8 Billionen Euro geschätzt... Das System kann man also gar nicht kopieren, es gibt überhaupt nicht soviele Anlagemöglichkeiten. Bei Corona und den dazugehörigen Werten schaue ich aktuell verstärkt darauf, ob man Infos bekommt, ob Vorstände Verkäufe anmelden. Das müssen sie ja laut Aktiengesetz tun. Aber nichts zu finden. Man scheint sich sehr sicher zu sein die Dauerimpfung implementieren zu können. Anders bei den großen Techs. Egal ob Cook, Bezos oder andere. Man trennt sich auffällig stark von eigenen Positionen. Kein gutes Zeichen. Und noch etwas Interessantes: in Deutschland wird ja bezüglich der Erbschaftssteuer von der Hochfinanz immer der Teufel an die Wand gemalt. Nun hat es in Korea Familie "Samsung" erwischt mit 11 Mrd und hier, mangels Planung des Gründers, der sich wohl für unsterblich hielt, Familie "Knorr-Bremse" mit 5 Mrd. Und welch Wunder, sie können doch noch zweimal am Tag warm essen... |
AW: Coronavirus allgemein (Covid-19, Virologen, Politik, aktuelle Lage, Impfung usw.)
Im Übrigen ist das Gesundheitssystem ohnehin vor dem Kollaps und die Intensivstationen, also die Menschen, nicht die Betten, waren vor Corona schon an der Überlastungsgrenze. Man kann gar nicht hoch genug schätzen, was die Pflegekräfte dort in den letzten 1,5 Jahren immer wieder geleistet haben. Und das wird sich auch noch rächen. Kündigungswelle, Burnoutwelle, etc... Die Panikmache kommt von den Seiten der Schwurbler. Und man sollte sich mal über deren Geschäftsmodell Gedanken machen. Die verdienen durch Klicks, durch Spenden, durch Veranstaltungen, durch Abos, etc.
SL Tiger 1.8 / Andro TemperTech ALL+ / Armstrong Hikari SR7 55° 2.1 "If you open your mind too much, your brain will fall out" (Tim Minchin) |
AW: Coronavirus allgemein (Covid-19, Virologen, Politik, aktuelle Lage, Impfung usw.)
Auf eigenen Wunsch beim Arzt dann wahrscheinlich schon. Da wird man dann gut erkennen können, wie viele halt einfach nur auf einen Impfstoff nach alter Technologie gewartet haben.
SL Tiger 1.8 / Andro TemperTech ALL+ / Armstrong Hikari SR7 55° 2.1 "If you open your mind too much, your brain will fall out" (Tim Minchin) |
AW: Coronavirus allgemein (Covid-19, Virologen, Politik, aktuelle Lage, Impfung usw.)
Hier mal Auszüge zur Wirksamkeit und Nebenwirkungen aus https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/co...ine-comparison Pfizer/Biontech: Common side effects: Chills, headache, pain, tiredness, and/or redness and swelling at the injection site, all of which generally resolve within a day or two of rest, hydration, and medications like acetaminophen. (If symptoms don’t resolve within 72 hours or if you have respiratory symptoms, such as cough or shortness of breath, call your doctor.) On rare occasions, the vaccine has appeared to trigger anaphylaxis, a severe reaction that is treatable with epinephrine (the drug in Epipens®). For that reason, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) requires vaccination sites to monitor everyone for 15 minutes after their COVID-19 shot and for 30 minutes if they have a history of severe allergies. FDA warnings: The FDA placed a warning label on the Pfizer vaccine regarding a “likely association” with reported cases of heart inflammation in young adults. This inflammation may occur in the heart muscle (myocarditis) or in the outer lining of the heart (pericarditis), and is considered important but uncommon—arising in about 12.6 cases per million second doses administered. The inflammation, in most cases, gets better on its own without medical intervention. How well it works: Experts continue to learn about Pfizer’s efficacy both in the laboratory and in the real world. Pfizer’s initial Phase 3 clinical data presented in December showed its vaccine to have 95% efficacy. In April, the company announced the vaccine had 91.3% efficacy against COVID-19, based on measuring how well it prevented symptomatic COVID-19 infection seven days through up to six months after the second dose. It also found it to be 100% effective in preventing severe disease as defined by the CDC, and 95.3% effective in preventing severe disease as defined by the FDA. Another study, not yet peer-reviewed, provided more new data that brought the efficacy number down to 84% after 6 months, although efficacy against severe disease was 97%. In August, the CDC also published studies that showed mRNA vaccine protection against infection may be waning, although the vaccines were still highly effective against hospitalization. In one CDC study, data from the state of New York showed vaccine effectiveness dropping from 91.7 to 79.8% against infection. How well it works on virus mutations: A number of studies have focused on the vaccine and the mutations. In early May, the Pfizer vaccine was found to be more than 95% effective against severe disease or death from the Alpha variant (first detected in the United Kingdom) and the Beta variant (first identified in South Africa) in two studies based on real-world vaccinations. As far as the Delta variant (first seen in India), two studies reported by Public Health England that have not yet been peer reviewed showed that full vaccination after two doses is 88% effective against symptomatic disease and 96% effective against hospitalization. But Israel later reported the vaccine’s effectiveness to be 90% effective against severe disease, and 39% against infection in its population in late June and early July, based on an analysis of the country's national health statistics. Moderna: Common side effects: Similar to Pfizer, side effects can include chills, headache, pain, tiredness, and/or redness and swelling at the injection site, all of which generally resolve within a day or two. On rare occasions, mRNA vaccines have appeared to trigger anaphylaxis, a severe reaction that is treatable with epinephrine (the drug in Epipens®). For that reason, the CDC requires vaccination sites to monitor everyone for 15 minutes after their COVID-19 shot, and for 30 minutes if they have a history of severe allergies. FDA warnings: The FDA placed a warning label on the Moderna vaccine regarding a “likely association” with reported cases of heart inflammation in young adults. This inflammation may occur in the heart muscle (myocarditis) or in the outer lining of the heart (pericarditis), and is considered important but uncommon—arising in about 12.6 cases per million second doses administered. The inflammation, in most cases, gets better on its own without treatment. How well it works: Greater than 90% efficacy against cases of COVID-19 and more than 95% against severe cases, with approximately 6 months median follow-up after the second dose, according to the company. Earlier Phase 3 studies showed Moderna to be 94.1% effective at preventing symptomatic infection in people with no evidence of previous COVID-19 infection (although the efficacy rate drops to 86.4% for people ages 65 and older). In late March, a small CDC study that enrolled 3,950 health care personnel, first responders, and other essential and frontline workers showed the vaccine to be 90% effective upon full immunization (at least 14 days after the second dose) in real-world conditions. In August, the CDC also published studies that showed mRNA vaccine protection against infection may be waning, although the vaccines were still highly effective against hospitalization. In one CDC study, data from the state of New York showed vaccine effectiveness dropping from 91.7 to 79.8% against infection. How well it works on virus mutations: Some research has suggested that Moderna’s vaccine may provide protection against the Alpha and Beta variants. In June, Moderna reported that studies showed its vaccine is effective against the Beta, Delta, Eta, and Kappa variants, although it did show it to be about two times weaker against Delta than against the original virus. While more research is needed on Moderna’s efficacy against Delta, some experts believe it may work similarly to Pfizer since both are mRNA vaccines. Novavax: Common side effects: Injection site tenderness, fatigue, headache, muscle pain. How well it works: 90% effective against lab-confirmed, symptomatic infection and 100% against moderate and severe disease in Phase 3 trial results released in a company statement in June. The company says the vaccine was 91% protective of people in high-risk populations such as people older than 65, those with health conditions that increase risk of complication, and those in situations where they are frequently exposed to the virus. How well it works on virus mutations: Novavax says the vaccine is 93% effective against “predominantly circulating variants of concern and variants of interest.” But it’s important to note that the study was conducted in the U.S. and Mexico, when Alpha was the predominant strain in the U.S., although other variants were on the rise. More data is needed to determine the effectiveness of Novavax against the Delta variant. Bzgl. Novavax ist das natürlich alles noch nicht abschliessend bestätigt, aber das liest sich bestimmt nicht wie eine geringere Wirksamkeit, und dass die Nebenwirkungen weniger stark und weniger häufig ausfallen, wird wohl auch kaum ein mRNA Anhänger bestreiten können. |
AW: Coronavirus allgemein (Covid-19, Virologen, Politik, aktuelle Lage, Impfung usw.)
Mit anderen Worten: Wer sich jetzt ohne gesundheitliche Vorbelastung nicht impfen lässt, handelt schlicht und ergreifend völlig irrational und gefährdet sich und andere. |
AW: Coronavirus allgemein (Covid-19, Virologen, Politik, aktuelle Lage, Impfung usw.)
Das erklärt bei dir einiges. |
AW: Coronavirus allgemein (Covid-19, Virologen, Politik, aktuelle Lage, Impfung usw.)
@ Jan Move:
Ich weiß nicht warum du bei einem Impfstoff, bei dem es keine Daten zu Delta gibt, davon ausgehst, daß er da hilft. |
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Japans Lage - Auswirkungen auf TT | Croudy | allgemeines Tischtennis-Forum | 77 | 24.04.2011 20:35 |
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