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Alt 16.11.2008, 19:22
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Adham Sharara | ITTF President
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

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Sorry Mr. President.

I made a different text.

"What do you think about Vladimir Samsonov" is one question. He plays with Tibhar.
The other question is about the new Stiga Tensor rubbers. I play with them. Samsonov doesn`t play with them. He plays, I think, with Tibhar Nimbus VIP.

Samsonov 93
OK, now I understand. You already have my answer about Samsonov.

Regarding the Stiga tensor rubbers, I really do not know. I am sure they are very good. Stiga is a reputable compnay with excellent products, so I assume they are good. The important thing is how you feel when you use this equipment. If it suits you and your style then it's good. Also, don't look for magical solutions, the best way to improve is with practice and good technique.

International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF)
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Alt 16.11.2008, 19:24
Tackiness Tackiness ist offline
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

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We may include some pro Tour events with Teams at the end of 2011 and first half of 2012 before the London Olympic Games.
Thanks for your answer. Speaking of the Olympics, will the team event keep the same format as this year, or could there be changes? Have you already received feedback from television etc. about the advantages and disadvantages of the team competition?
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Alt 17.11.2008, 00:14
Benutzerbild von adham
adham adham ist offline
Adham Sharara | ITTF President
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

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Thanks for your answer. Speaking of the Olympics, will the team event keep the same format as this year, or could there be changes? Have you already received feedback from television etc. about the advantages and disadvantages of the team competition?
We are conducting a survey for all those that took part in Beijing, plus all ITTF officials, plus TV and Media. It seems at the moment that more than 80% wish to keep the Team Event. I also had a meeting with the IOC Sports Department as well as with the IOC President last week. We all agree that the Team event is a success. In December the ITTF's Olympic Commission will meet in Madrid and we will discuss the result of the survey. In my opinion the Team event will stay, the team match will keep the same format, but perhaps the event structure may change slightly, but not sure how yet. Also there is a feeling that the Team events should be last, starting with the singles. Many players that were qualified for the singles only complained that they had to wait too long without matches, while other players got several matches during the team events before they started the singles. So, it is felt that it is unfair. For this reason we may reverse the order and start with the singles so all players are treated the same.

The TV in China (CCTV) said that the second highest audience ofr a match during the Games in Beijing was the Women's Team final, and the 4th largest TV audience of the Games was the Men's Team final. So of course they like the team matches.

International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF)
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Alt 17.11.2008, 16:49
Samsonov93 Samsonov93 ist offline
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

Hello Mr. President,

I heard in this forum, the ITTF will don`t accept the STIGA Boost rubbers, because there are tuned from STIGA when they make these rubbers. Now, is this right? I hope not, then i find these boost rubbers very good for my table tennis playing and i want to use these rubbers for a long time.


P.S: Sorry, but my English isn`t good. I hope you unterstand my "English."
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Alt 17.11.2008, 17:06
Benutzerbild von adham
adham adham ist offline
Adham Sharara | ITTF President
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

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Hello Mr. President,

I heard in this forum, the ITTF will don`t accept the STIGA Boost rubbers, because there are tuned from STIGA when they make these rubbers. Now, is this right? I hope not, then i find these boost rubbers very good for my table tennis playing and i want to use these rubbers for a long time.


P.S: Sorry, but my English isn`t good. I hope you unterstand my "English."
Of course I understand your English. No problem. I do not know about the STIGA boost rubbers. I will ask the experts in ITTF and let you know. Are they on list 29B of the ITTF authorized rubbers? If yes, then they are Ok until June 30 2009. I will check for you.
International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF)
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Alt 17.11.2008, 18:01
Samsonov93 Samsonov93 ist offline
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

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Of course I understand your English. No problem. I do not know about the STIGA boost rubbers. I will ask the experts in ITTF and let you know. Are they on list 29B of the ITTF authorized rubbers? If yes, then they are Ok until June 30 2009. I will check for you.
Thank you very much, Mr. President.

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Alt 17.11.2008, 18:24
Benutzerbild von TSC
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

@all: If you're uncomfortable with a question to Mr. Sharara in english but want to make sure that you're being understood, don't hesitate to contact me for a translation. It would be nice if any other members would also volunteer for this job.
@alle: Wenn ihr Herrn Sharara eine Frage stellen wollt, Ihr aber kein Englisch könnt oder sicher stellen wollt, dass Ihr verstanden werdet, könnt Ihr mir gerne eine pN schicken und ich übersetze es für euch. Es wäre nett, wenn es für diese Arbeit auch noch weitere Freiwillige gibt.
"Jedes Kind bringt die Botschaft,
dass Gott die Lust am Menschen noch nicht verloren hat."
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Alt 17.11.2008, 18:26
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

Hello Mr. President,

at first, excuse me for my poor english.
Im a german player, who plays on a "low level", but this doesn´t matter at the moment. In my Club, there are some "higher class player", in germany "Oberliga" means the 4th highest class for team leagues.
Some questions and unclearly points, not for me because I was since my youth carrier never again a speed glue user, but for this player in that class they are two problems:
1. EVERYBODY had to change his racket, some only the rubbers, some only the blade, a few had to change the hole racket. But this is not the problem.
The Speed glue is forbitten, because it wasn´t very good for health. OK, no Problem. The Players took the Solution called Boosters or Tuners, which are in fact Names of Phantasie. After a while, ITTF banned the Boosters, not founded in attidude of health oder the Olympic Spirt. The REASON? Tell me, why?
YES, ok, you told the Player, that each rubber should be used as he is approved. Right? A LOT OF Rubbers will not be used, as they were approved, you know this too.

2. The second Problem is very small at the first look, but in the Future it could be very, very big.
End of the Year 1992, Beginning of the Year 1993, ITTF has banned Speed Glue at first time - for a few weeks. The Players Association wasn´t agree.
Now, the ITTF banned all VOC-Glue, Tuner or Boosters.
Some Players has accepted and plays with Rubbers "like approved by the ITTF", but nearly 80% (thats what J. Roßkopf means at the Liebherr European Championship 2008) uses Tuner, Boosters.
What kind of Consequenses for those players are possibel? 2 Tournaments without them? A half Year NO Turnament? Disqualification?

At last, i hope, you stop this permanent changing of rules, balls, etc.
Tables Tennis will NEVER be popular as Football in the TV! No each bigger Ball oder higher Net can do this, that your "dream" become True.
Believe it, or let it be!

With best wishes for you, and for Table Tennis in same.
Holz: Nittaku Barwell Fleet FL, VH: DHS Skyline 3-60 2,1 schwarz, RH: Victas V>01 Stiff 2,0 rot
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Alt 17.11.2008, 18:45
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

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After a while, ITTF banned the Boosters, not founded in attidude of health oder the Olympic Spirt. The REASON? Tell me, why?
Powerpaul, Mr. Sharara has already answered this question. Please check the previous questions and answers in this thread first.


/edit: @all: the same goes for further questions. As Mr. Sharara already stated, many questions were already answered.
While the rule changes may be an emotional topic for some players, please keep in mind that Mr. Sharara is (despite the title that he bears) not in a leadership position in the sense that he "makes" the rules. In fact, he has little administrative power. Please keep this in mind if you're about to vent your anger.
"Jedes Kind bringt die Botschaft,
dass Gott die Lust am Menschen noch nicht verloren hat."

Geändert von TSC (18.11.2008 um 01:08 Uhr)
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Alt 18.11.2008, 01:06
ksg9-sebastian ksg9-sebastian ist offline
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

Good evening together,

first of all it's very, very nice to see such a valueable member in this community and also to see him involved in such contrary, important discussions.
I can't remember any other sport where something happens, so really nice, again

I want to tell one more time about the friction level:

I know much people playing these rubbers and they had really great success. But after all changes, training and testing there are two categories of long-pimple-players:

1. The players who are really good and know how to use the pimples. They have tested some new rubbers and are nearly as good as with the "old" rubbers.

2. The players who played low-frinction-rubbers cause they had some bad technics and need a rubber to protect their "bade side". Much of these players are really blamed cause of the change in friction level.

After all, I can truely say that the new rules blame the players who hadn't been "really good players" in past. Much of them were only good cause the rubbers do the work for them.
I never had problems playing again long pimples, I had much fun against these players and I was really successful against them. Now it's often easier to win against this players. On the other side its more dificult to win against the "good players" who changed the rubbers cause they now have much more possibilities through the "new" rubber.

But for now, I will follow your interesting discussions and perhaps post sometimes

kind regards,
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