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Alt 14.04.2004, 18:08
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AW: Re: Where are the defenders?

In France, we also have Lo Chueng Tsung, from Hong Kong, who was semi-finalist at the World Championships in 1985. He has a very strange style, a mid-distance defense one, he plays with a no sponge long pimpled rubber on his backhand, and his chopped balls litterally plunge on the table from the top of their trajectory. Very amazing! He also plays top-spins with his forehand.
Hardbat (Brettchen) is the future of table tennis ! http://hardbat-france.blog4ever.com/
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Alt 15.04.2004, 16:39
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The albatross The albatross ist offline
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AW: Re: Where are the defenders?

Zitat von Informer
I mean Joo has made a big failure playing in the Chinese Super League. He will stumble down in international ranking, because the chinese players knew him better now.

I've seen some results from Chinese Super League. Joo has no chance against most of the chinese top-players. He has played well, because he was unknown, but now the surprising moment has ended.
This is one argument, but not the main reason for the fact that he could not equal his results from the WC.

He signed up a new sponsoring contract and had problems with the new material. His style is more sensitive to material and/or quality changes than i.e topspin oriented players. He is now going back to his former pimple rubber and we can cross fingers to see his attractive game on the top soon!
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Alt 19.04.2004, 21:00
Jancsi Jancsi ist offline
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AW: Re: Where are the defenders?

Zitat von The albatross
This is one argument, but not the main reason for the fact that he could not equal his results from the WC.

He signed up a new sponsoring contract and had problems with the new material. His style is more sensitive to material and/or quality changes than i.e topspin oriented players. He is now going back to his former pimple rubber and we can cross fingers to see his attractive game on the top soon!
Right, Feint Long II was not his pimple, but I like it very much!

Greeting from Good Old Germany,

Tue Gutes und red' drüber!
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Alt 23.04.2004, 10:57
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AW: Where are the defenders?

Is the defensive style dead? I do not hope so. Where are the defenders in the 1. German Bundesliga?
the only one playing defensive in 1. german bundesliga i have seen this year is Evgueni Chtchetinine from würzburg but his bilance is 7:10
Keine Macht den Noppen-Opas!!!!!
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Alt 23.04.2004, 11:13
Jancsi Jancsi ist offline
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AW: Where are the defenders?

Zitat von Fr34k
the only one playing defensive in 1. german bundesliga i have seen this year is Evgueni Chtchetinine from würzburg but his bilance is 7:10
There was another one, called Wang Ruliang, playing for Jülich/Hoengen, but he only played three times and lost all of the games.


Tue Gutes und red' drüber!
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Alt 27.04.2004, 15:14
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AW: Where are the defenders?

Chtchetinine won 3:0 against smirnov!
Keine Macht den Noppen-Opas!!!!!
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Alt 28.04.2004, 08:26
Jancsi Jancsi ist offline
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AW: Where are the defenders?

Zitat von Fr34k
Chtchetinine won 3:0 against smirnov!
Yeah, great, God praise The Choppers


Tue Gutes und red' drüber!
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Alt 30.04.2004, 20:55
Benutzerbild von Francis54
Francis54 Francis54 ist offline
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AW: Where are the defenders?

Chtchetinine is not an active defense player, but a classic one, he almost never attack, but he beated some good players, like Rosskopf (sorry, german friends! ), and he's European Champion in Men's double with Chen Weixing (another defender).
Hardbat (Brettchen) is the future of table tennis ! http://hardbat-france.blog4ever.com/
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Alt 01.05.2004, 07:47
Jancsi Jancsi ist offline
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AW: Where are the defenders?

Zitat von Francis54
Chtchetinine is not an active defense player, but a classic one, he almost never attack, but he beated some good players, like Rosskopf (sorry, german friends! ), and he's European Champion in Men's double with Chen Weixing (another defender).
Right, Shetinin is the last dinosaurier.
Tue Gutes und red' drüber!
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Alt 24.10.2004, 22:02
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AW: Where are the defenders?

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