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Technique - Tactics - Training share your table tennis knowledge about stroke technique, training methods, game strategies, coaching, etc.

Alt 18.08.2007, 15:13
meyer meyer ist offline
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AW: How old are your beginners?

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Hi at all ,

our kids are between 7 and 11 years old !! I started playing table tennis with eight years and it was enough ...

I think that it is not ok to train a kid , which is 4 years old ... because as I was 15 years old I was a long time ill, because my knee and my shoulder hurts ... it was hard time ...

I think it is irresponsible to train kids in this age of 4 years ...
Hey Antje,
so have a look at SuperSriver's post!
In this age it is not important to play table tennis and especially not in a compatative view. At this age the children should get a kind of base - that means, that all games you play wit tem should improve their coordnation skills and you can strength their bodies in a way that is appropiate for children.
So please see this kind of training not as training in the normal view, but as a kind of prp-training, so that the children have much more possibilities and skills when they start the real training.

Lass es ruhig angehen - In der Ruhe liegt die Kraft!!!
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Alt 28.08.2007, 22:43
User 18150 User 18150 ist offline
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AW: How old are your beginners?

Timo Boll has started with 4 years. Torben Wosik in the same age !

I think this age is too young, but you can see, 4 years is a good age..........
My opinion is, that the children can start with tabletennis like 6 years +, before this age you can go to the Tabletennisclub and play with the balls out of the table and play with therapeutic exercises.

my personal starting was with 11 years and ended in the first German division with 21 years.

My son with 9 years has started 2 years ago.

Best regards
Bernhard ilchev
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Alt 19.10.2007, 18:41
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Siegmund Freud Siegmund Freud ist offline
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AW: How old are your beginners?

In the moment my youngest players are 8 years old.
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Alt 21.10.2007, 18:52
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AW: How old are your beginners?

Hi at all,
I has started with 7 years.
Mit der Sache dabei.
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Alt 25.10.2007, 21:53
mumularaky mumularaky ist offline
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AW: How old are your beginners?

i startet with 6-7years
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Alt 26.10.2007, 12:18
Tony_Iommi Tony_Iommi ist offline
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AW: How old are your beginners?

Zitat von meyer Beitrag anzeigen
Hey Antje,
so have a look at SuperSriver's post!
In this age it is not important to play table tennis and especially not in a compatative view. At this age the children should get a kind of base - that means, that all games you play wit tem should improve their coordnation skills and you can strength their bodies in a way that is appropiate for children.
So please see this kind of training not as training in the normal view, but as a kind of prp-training, so that the children have much more possibilities and skills when they start the real training.

Just came across with that - what is "prp-training"? "Player rips Prlayer"?
No, just kidding, I really don't know what it is, so please shed some light here.
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Alt 22.01.2017, 21:39
Stefano-IT Stefano-IT ist offline
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AW: How old are your beginners?

Zitat von Coach Beitrag anzeigen
How old are the beginners in other countries?

My youngest "player": 4 years
in my opinion 4 years is too young. the motor functions are not already available. for kids in the age of 4, more fun and gymnastics is better.

usually I think beginners should be 8 years old, +/- 24 months, so sometimes 6-7, sometimes 9-10, but the average is an age of 8.
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