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Alt 07.01.2009, 11:13
buddywow buddywow ist offline
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

[QUOTE=adham;1342971]The first step is that I have to work on you. YOU have to watch your own sport and support it more. YOU have to call your local newspaper and ask them for the results of the German players at the Slovenia Open. YOU have ...[QUOTE]


i don't have statistics but to me a lot of other not so popular sports have even bigger problems than tt regarding tv presence or media importance

Badminton and Squash: you almost never see it on tv
Tennis: seems to have lost A LOT of importance in general interest

i am content about the development tt has done in the last years regarding organization or ProTour and other major tournaments, ITTF websites... and so forth
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Alt 07.01.2009, 11:41
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

Zitat von Cheftrainer Beitrag anzeigen
I believe, that all the current problems with the tuners and boosters are selfmade. The AGM has made a decision without thinking of the consequences. We never had something like a real doping problem in our sport. Now we have something similar. I do not agree that we should live with that till you have some new test possibilities with something like Enez 2.0.

That was the real major mistake the ITTF made in the last years. I never have seen such an incompetent action like banning all boosters and tuners without a real possibility to test this.
If I remember correctly, Adham already mentioned (and apologized) that these changes weren't executed perfectly. He also mentioned that a new device will be used which is supposed to be able to detect Tuners/Boosters.

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the AGM never thinks of how something should be done. They only know what they want to change, but no one seems to think about practical consequences of the decisions make.
Originally you complained about this one fault and now you condemn all the representatives as incompetent? Have you kept in mind how the ITTF actually implemented and tested the rule changes in all details?
"Jedes Kind bringt die Botschaft,
dass Gott die Lust am Menschen noch nicht verloren hat."
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Alt 07.01.2009, 11:50
Benjy Benjy ist offline
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

I agree with you. Furthermore the ban of frictionless long pimples is another step to help our sport getting less fair. You only need one player that starts cheating (by after-treating an unknown but regular chinese pimple) and you will have more and more to follow. Because they feel that the cheater has an advantage that can not be controlled. How can the 25Mn be controlled at an event? This will not impact the top players (or say only 3 or 4) but many people at the base. Players with pimples already were accussed that they "can not play" and so forth before the ban. Now if you win with pimples, next question is: "Are these pimples regular? They seem much to smooth for me..."
This brings more aggression to the matches at the bottom level which I personally do think unnecessary.

My personal step was to play a very known pimple "Feint Long II" from Butterfly, because I don't want to be accused every time we have a match. But that is not the rubber that supports my style of play best. If I spend my time in the gymn than I want to have fun and I don't want to be blamed as a cheater. But this situation was constructed by the ban and so I still do not understand it...

## unnecessary full quote removed, TSC ##

Geändert von TSC (07.01.2009 um 16:20 Uhr)
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Alt 07.01.2009, 12:08
Cheftrainer Cheftrainer ist offline
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

I agree! In my first approach I wanted to write more about the frictienless pimples too. But I think that I should not mix all topics. But it is very similar to the tuner topic.

Because of the facts, that a new ENEZ is currently developed and because of the actual discussion about new punishments for cheaters I think that it is better to concentrate on that topic.

Here is not the base the problem. The major problem is the usage of tuners from the pro Players and maybe the 2nd and 3rd legue in germany.

Almost everyone trys to cheat because its almost impossible to get cought and the punishment is not relevant.
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Alt 07.01.2009, 13:16
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

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...I only wanted to state that some changes missed their goal. And I want to discuss about the recent changes of the ITTF. Maybe we could achieve that the ITTF discuss some topics with tha base in front of such major changes not afterwards like now...

I believe, that all the current problems with the tuners and boosters are selfmade. The AGM has made a decision without thinking of the consequences. We never had something like a real doping problem in our sport. Now we have something similar. I do not agree that we should live with that till you have some new test possibilities with something like Enez 2.0.

That was the real major mistake the ITTF made in the last years. I never have seen such an incompetent action like banning all boosters and tuners without a real possibility to test this.

I know that your intention was to stop the development of the last decade leading to more and more speed in this sport. But it would have been much better if the AGM had waited till it is possible to test this.

I think that more and more players starting to cheat because of this situation. Iam not saying that cheating is acceptable. But it is a situation that has disadvantages for our sport.

To many players (and here Iam talking from profis, from the top players) are still using tuners because it is an advantage and no one can really detect the use. In the last years, table tennis was known in public as a very fair sport. But we might loose this property in future.

I know that you always had good intensions. But the problem is that it seems to be that the AGM never thinks of how something should be done. They only know what they want to change, but no one seems to think about practical consequences of the decisions they make...
I agree with that. The only exception: in the last but one sentence I would prefer "often" or "sometimes" instead of "never".
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Alt 07.01.2009, 15:04
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

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The first step is that I have to work on you. YOU have to watch your own sport and support it more. YOU have to call your local newspaper and ask them for the results of the German players at the Slovenia Open. YOU have to call your local TV station and tell them you want to see Timo Ball in action. YOU have to inform everyone in your club that TT is on the ITTF's itTV regularly and they can watch it. YOU have to ask your club mates to call the local TV station and ask for TT. YOU have to convince your club mates to write or call the local newspaper and ask for TT results. YOU have to sell our sport to everyone you know. YOU are a TT fan, so YOU have to promote our sport. ...
OK, if you think you have to work on us, then we are allowed to work on you, I believe.

As the first step, please, try to understand this. The most German TT players are not interested in the results of the German players at the Slovenia Open. This is a very important point: they are not interested. They can easily get the information via Internet, but they are not interested.

The same goes for TT on TV. The most German TT players are not interested. This is the second important point.

The second step. The most players IMHO don't share your ideas about making TT a real TV sport. Because they don't care about TT on TV. That's why they don't like the rules being changed because of these ideas.

The right way were to promote TT on TV without changing rules.

If you don't know how to do that, please, do nothing and try to find people, who know.

And last, but not least. Not we are supposed to promote your ideas, but rather you are supposed to promote ours.

Geändert von Mighty (07.01.2009 um 17:13 Uhr)
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Alt 07.01.2009, 18:04
Cheftrainer Cheftrainer ist offline
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

We have to be more specific with the new rules. Not all were bad.

But the the recent changes (e.g. Tuner/Booster) had a dramatic bad impact on our sport. The ITTF has managed to move our former clean and fair sport to a sport where many professional players are trying to cheat.

This consequence of this very bad decision of the AGM is the topic where I want to read a statement from ADHAM.

I know that there are so many other topics that we could (maybe should) discuss here, but at this point I want to hear if some of the officials could agree with the assessment that the last change was a big mistake.

I think that it is really a good idea to prohibit the use of tuners. But the AGM should have waited till an easy method for a test is available.

The ITTF and especially ADHAM has never committed mistakes in the way they "develope" our sport. But everyone is able to see the fact that we now have some kind of a doping problem in our sport.

The ITTF only states that they want increase the punishments. But such punishments were never necessary in the past. Is that the future now? Is that your vision of our sport in the future?

Geändert von Cheftrainer (07.01.2009 um 18:10 Uhr)
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Alt 07.01.2009, 20:45
mithardemb mithardemb ist offline
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

Zitat von adham Beitrag anzeigen
The first step is that I have to work on you. YOU have to watch your own sport and support it more. YOU have to call your local newspaper and ask them for the results of the German players at the Slovenia Open. YOU have to call your local TV station and tell them you want to see Timo Ball in action. YOU have to inform everyone in your club that TT is on the ITTF's itTV regularly and they can watch it. YOU have to ask your club mates to call the local TV station and ask for TT. YOU have to convince your club mates to write or call the local newspaper and ask for TT results. YOU have to sell our sport to everyone you know. YOU are a TT fan, so YOU have to promote our sport.

Now if I can convince just 10% of the German TT players like YOU, then I have reached my goal.

OK, now can you convince 10 people to do so?
10% of all German TT players are aprox. 60 000 people. Even if all of them would constantly watch any TT match on the screen, it would still not convince major TV stations.

On the other hand 10% is a very challenging number. Currently much less than 10% are even interested in results from the DTL (German major league) or international tournaments. Now you want them to promote professional table tennis.

It would be curious how you want to achieve this.
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Alt 07.01.2009, 22:01
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

Doing nothing is useless.

Doing a little bit is a step foward.

Doing a little bit more is an improvement.

Doing as much as you can is adorable.

Just my 2cents

regs nevada
In der Retrospektive ist jeder allwissend.
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Alt 08.01.2009, 02:10
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adham adham ist offline
Adham Sharara | ITTF President
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

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OK, if you think you have to work on us, then we are allowed to work on you, I believe.

As the first step, please, try to understand this. The most German TT players are not interested in the results of the German players at the Slovenia Open. This is a very important point: they are not interested. They can easily get the information via Internet, but they are not interested.

The same goes for TT on TV. The most German TT players are not interested. This is the second important point.

The second step. The most players IMHO don't share your ideas about making TT a real TV sport. Because they don't care about TT on TV. That's why they don't like the rules being changed because of these ideas.

The right way were to promote TT on TV without changing rules.

If you don't know how to do that, please, do nothing and try to find people, who know.

And last, but not least. Not we are supposed to promote your ideas, but rather you are supposed to promote ours.
Thank you for your comments. In this case, you do not belong to the group for which I'm working. So, I take nothing from you. I work for those who want to see TT on TV and who want to make TT a big sport. If you do not belong to this group that's fine, no problem, and you can of course enjoy TT as an active player in any way you like. But I take no lessons from you, I'm very sorry. I serve the National Associations, but I'm also willing to work with and support those that are willing to promote our sport.

Of course I look for people who know every day. I talk with sports experts, TV experts, marketing experts everyday. I talk to top players, average players and amateur players all the time. And I try my best to develop our sport.

Please keep on playing and keep enjoying our sport in the way you like it, away from TV and away from our rules, you are free to play any way you want..
International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF)
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