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Alt 06.04.2006, 06:07
Bill the Kid Bill the Kid ist offline
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AW: PUMA Sonderverkäufe!


das wir dich mal "ausstatten müssen" mit der "richtigen Marke"

cu at the ausstatting....
The Kid
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Alt 06.04.2006, 10:29
tdtoby tdtoby ist offline
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tdtoby ist zur Zeit noch ein unbeschriebenes Blatt (Renommeepunkte ungefähr beim Startwert +20)
AW: PUMA Sonderverkäufe!

Wenn das so ist.
Ich find Adidas auch viel, viel besser als Puma.
Meine Schuhgröße: 43
Oberteile: M
Hosen: 32:34
Warte auf meine erstaustattung von Puma um von der besseren Marke überzeugt zu werden
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Alt 06.04.2006, 10:30
Bumbl Bee Bumbl Bee ist offline
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AW: PUMA Sonderverkäufe!

Für mich dasselbe, vielleicht möchte uns ja auch adidas überzeugen?
Float like a butterfly, sting like a "bumbl" bee
Frei übersetzt: einfach mit der Rückhand durchröhren!
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Alt 06.04.2006, 11:06
Belly Cloud Belly Cloud ist offline
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AW: PUMA Sonderverkäufe!

Ich find Nike gut Probier aber gern mal Adidas oder Puma aus und schreib auch gern mal ´nen Testbericht
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Alt 06.04.2006, 15:20
BarcaDon BarcaDon ist offline
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AW: PUMA Sonderverkäufe!

Hi Jungs, hier kann doch nicht jeder Depp kommen... Das gilt nur für besondere Leute!
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Alt 07.04.2006, 12:13
Bill the Kid Bill the Kid ist offline
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AW: PUMA Sonderverkäufe!



cu at the wuerdiging.....
The Kid
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Alt 08.04.2006, 23:11
BarcaDon BarcaDon ist offline
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AW: PUMA Sonderverkäufe!

und ob ich würdig bin (wenn nicht für PUMA dann halt für ADIDAS )! frag doch bei Nutella nach...
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Alt 24.06.2006, 08:17
Bill the Kid Bill the Kid ist offline
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AW: PUMA Sonderverkäufe!

@all Gamblers

seid on u unterstützt den "Black Kontinent"!Wär !

Hallo Zusammen,

Die Fußballmannschaft von Ghana hat am Mittwoch Vormittag auf dem Weg nach Nürnberg einen Stop in Herzogenaurach eingelegt. Die gesamte Mannschaft inklusive Trainer, Sportminister von Ghana und Funktionäre waren eine Stunde einkaufen. Alle Mannschaftsmitglieder haben ein UNITED FOR AFRICA Charity Armband erhalten, was der Mannschaft gestern für das Spiel gegen USA Glück gebracht hat!
Das Armband ist im Herzogenauracher Store bis Ende September für € 5 erhältlich. Als Spende geht an die UNITED FOR AFRICA Organisation € 1,70 pro Armband.

(Jetzt kann ich das Bild wegen 5 KP zuviel nicht hochladen )
Jungs ich schick es euch per mail u vlleicht ist einer von euch so nett

Unterstützt die Hilfsprojekte in Afrika und holt Euch diese coole Accessoire!

cu at the unterstützing....
The Kid
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Alt 27.06.2006, 03:07
Bill the Kid Bill the Kid ist offline
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AW: PUMA Sonderverkäufe!

@All Shoescientists!

Es ist viel "Marketing Bullshit" on,aber auch ein bischen Wahrheit!
Also ich kann den V1 nur empfehlen (mehr Feedback von Rosse,der ihn
ja schon getestet hat! ),also wenn ihr mal schnell sein wollt,kauft ihn!

The Computation of the Incalculable
Frankfurter Allgemeine
13. June 2006

Grass-green with grass optic! This is something you have to hit on. In these first days of the World Championship it looks suddenly strange around the feet of some players. Men of the Ivory Coast, from Poland, Portugal, Ecuador, Togo, Paraguay or Iran run around in shoes with grass camouflage effect. Further ones will follow. Attract attention by inconspicuousness - and a white Puma strip as a clear eye-catcher. That is the craziest design, since there are studs under the sole. Those you may not call football shoes any longer. More artwork than purism.

And youth wants to have what their idols wear. Clever advertisement, extravagant design, fashion feeling decide on the success in the market. And still there is needed more than just big advertising. Customers honour technical finesse. The development of a football shoe, therein all major brands agree, lugged for many decades (different to running shoes ) and only get regained in the late the nineties.

Today, industry makes a science to develop a soccer shoe. analysing thousands of match scenes from the World Championships of 1998 in France and 2002 in Asia in order to find out where the ball meets the foot, how players shoot and how they play a pass; laboratory tests as well as expanded field tests watching players in a training slalom in between light barriers. And in addition surveys with players with different skills to find out what they expect from their “working tool”. The result that comfort and convenience are the main topics followed by good grip, good fit and as well good ball feeling.

"it does not mean that you need the mass of the football shoe. With less weight the foot becomes faster and thus the shot harder."

As surface material one selected an extremely easy, smooth synthetic material – look a like of kangaroo leather “snuggling” closely around the foot. Apart from less weight there are as well the traction characteristics and a properly matching heel which make a shoe faster - The asymmetric studs improve the grip and the special shape leads to a "self cleaning effect" that no earth gets stuck. The heel is positioned into a “bowl seat” inspired by motorsports. A separately produced plastic piece which becomes smaller upwards and holds the heel makes sure that the fit remains perfect during running movements and no energy is wasted.

Outside a heel cover made of carbon fiber should ensure an ideal pressure distribution. For the stabilization of the sole in the rear part carbon is used as well.

If such characteristics are only fashion trends or if they are really helpful is a matter of opinion. At least Puma sees it different. Their flagship model which is the futuristic looking "v1.06" for 165 euros, also available in grass optics, has a side lacing for the benefit of a larger smooth hit surface and a higher shooting accuracy, as stated by Uli Kick, Football Marketing Manager in Herzogenaurach. Instead of holes the laces run through lashes, the tongue is replaced by using a fabric which underlays the lacing. According to Kick PUMA has brought the three years development of the "v1.06" to the peak of lightweight shoes for a clearly defined target group: "many of the professionals want to have as less as possible around their foot." A shoe in size 44 weights 235 grams only, despite the use of aluminium studs instead of plastic ones. Almost having the unbelievable ease of bath slippers. The target is to bring the player to the ball as quickly as possible. For this target no efforts are spared. The twelve national teams equipped by Puma for the Soccer World Championship also wear shirts tested in a wind tunnel. Those shirts should have very less air resistance. The seams are no longer done with threads, but stuck together, the collar is higher in front and deeper in the back compared to normal shirts to reach more “Windschnittigkeit” (aerydynamic). The aerodynamic advantages, Puma assures, are actually able to measure and verifiable. The material should be extremely easy but with few elasticity. This should make it difficult to pull respectively other “foulnesses” during a macth.

Back to the "v1.06": The upper material is a newly developed woven "ConTec" synthetic fibre with a thickness of 0,4 millimeters, much less than leather (0.9 millimeters) and rain/water resistant. Base of the outsole is a carbon plate, the heel reinforcement is put on "cage" - a frame construction with open areas to reduce weight. By using a new last the shoe is no more round in the toe but adapts more closely to the smaller toes which as well saves material and weight. It should fit as close as a glove.

Such filigree high speed shoes are not everbody´s thing especially as they do not offer the same protection as a solid leather shoe. Key players, technical players, outside forwarder are the target group. For other preferences the brand also offer more conventional, usually cheaper lines in their program made of leather or synthetic materials which are more trimmed for security and cushioning. As well not everybody likes to wear eye-catching shoes. Burly defenders, Northern Europeans and older players prefer black shoes. Virtuosic offenders, Southern Europeans and young people like more fashionable shoes. "Function is important, but for the younger generation the design has an enormous meaning", Sometimes people look for an outstanding characteristic to separate from the team. Many of the best players wear special made shoes which ranges from Kahn wearing an unimpressive model based on the “World Cup” shoe of 1978 to Kaka who has the print “Jesus in first place” on the tongue or Beckham having a favourite colour, own logo and the names of his sons on the shoe side plus his signature, initials and shirt number stitched on the heel.

As well its competitors thought about the question, whether it could be meaningful to offer shoes with special characteristics for the various types of players, who play in different positions. However, extensive studies showed that this is not necessary. "A forwarder needs the same support and hold as a defender",

has a different approach than its competitors.

goal of reducing the risk of injuries. As a future trend Adidas sees the "modularisation" of the products, meaning the possibility to rebuild

The development of soccer shoes has reached a point in the meantime "where it becomes difficult for improvements". However, they still proceed with looking for possibilities how players can run faster, jump higher, shoot harder, turn faster and stay the pace longer - always with the the shoes and to adapt them to ground and weather conditions or the current fashion trend or team colours. .

Liverpool´s Cisse, the unfortunate French player, who has missed the WM because of an injury, already demonstrated that: first half with yellow shoes, the second half a black shoe on the left foot and a red one on the right foot. Many “small” Cisses will copy him soon. May the soccer God give calmness to the coaches.

cu at the shoeing....
The Kid

Geändert von Bill the Kid (27.06.2006 um 05:31 Uhr)
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Alt 12.05.2007, 20:48
Bill the Kid Bill the Kid ist offline
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AW: PUMA Sonderverkäufe!

@All Einkäufers

anbei was zum ...Jubiläum!


wie versprochen, gehen wir in die "zweite und letzte Runde " !

Unter Abgabe des nachfolgenden Gutscheins gewähren wir vom 14.-16.5.2007 auf alle Artikel 30 % !

Wenn jemand Interesse hat an den Gutscheinen (für alles was on!),meldet euch bei mir!

cu at the gutscheining...
The Kid
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