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Alt 26.10.2012, 10:44
magnum magnum ist offline
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magnum ist zur Zeit noch ein unbeschriebenes Blatt (Renommeepunkte ungefähr beim Startwert +20)
Yasaka Silverline-Serie


hab hier noch nix zu den neuen Yasaka Hölzern gefunden (wenn doch bitte meinen Thread löschen).


The fundamental principles with the new SILVER LINE blades are to offer a very attractive design in combination with good and reliable playing characteristics.

The new Yasaka SILVER ALL WOOD is a high tech allround blade with a unique and attractive design.
The outer veneer of ALL WOOD is very hard thanks to a special process with employing high pressure. The hard outer veneers increase the size of the sweet spot (hitting area with maximum control). The middle veneer (the core) is a carefully selected medium
density wood, slightly thicker than for traditional allround blades. It gives a really good ball feel, and together with the hard outer veneers also enough power for attacking play.
In order to further distinguish this product from other allround blades, we have developed the design to match the high tech image.
Weight: around 87 grams

Many carbon blades are very fast, and sometimes difficult to handle. In the new Yasaka SILVER CARBON we use 2 thin carbon layers and glue them to the wooden veneers with a gluing method developed to keep the control characteristics.
The hard outer veneers in combination with the carbon layers make the size of the sweet spot (hitting area with maximum control) very large. With the SILVER CARBON technical players have a weapon useful for both own attacking play and fast, controlled, counter
blockings. The SILVER CARBON is the blade for those who want only the best in technology and materials.
Weight: around 90 grams

Gibt es weitere Infos????
And it feels like an illusion - 1989 (NESTOR)
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Alt 26.10.2012, 11:06
fbrams fbrams ist offline
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AW: SILVERLINE - new Yasaka blades

Zur Lieferbarkeit habe ich keine Angaben gefunden.

Die Preise:
All Wood 519 SEK / 60 EUR
Carbon 779 SEK / 90 EUR

Geändert von Hansi Blocker (26.10.2012 um 13:28 Uhr)
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Alt 12.11.2012, 12:47
Benutzerbild von Jack Slain
Jack Slain Jack Slain ist offline
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AW: Yasaka Silverline-Serie

Gibts ein Update?
Vor allem das Carbon interessiert mich!
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Alt 12.02.2013, 12:46
magnum magnum ist offline
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magnum ist zur Zeit noch ein unbeschriebenes Blatt (Renommeepunkte ungefähr beim Startwert +20)
AW: Yasaka Silverline-Serie

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Gibt es weitere Infos????

Gibbet nicht einen, der mal das All-Wood getestet hat?
And it feels like an illusion - 1989 (NESTOR)
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