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Rules and Regulations Table Tennis rules and regulations. Need help with a rules-related dispute or having some controversial situation you couldn't solve on your own? Always wanted to learn how to serve legally? etc. >> powered by DONIC

Alt 01.12.2003, 21:30
Zalinho Zalinho ist offline
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Blue tables?

The most clubs in germany still play at the moment on green tables, but in the most other countries, all clubs play on blue tables. Is there a rule in other countries to play on blue tables or what is the reason?
The number of blue tables in Germany is increasing more and more, too.
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Alt 02.12.2003, 13:17
JanMove JanMove ist gerade online
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Re: blue tables?

I don't think that different countries have different regulations for the table's color. Here, in Switzerland, approximately 50% of the Clubs play with blue tables and 50% with green tables, while more than 80% of the Clubs use yellow balls. I prefer playing on blue tables in combination with yellow balls. This leads to the best optical contrast! My ranking for the combination of tables with balls is as follows:
1. blue table & yellow balls (best optical contrast)
2. green table & white balls
3. blue table & white balls
4. green table & yellow balls (worst optical contrast)

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Alt 04.12.2003, 02:41
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Francis54 Francis54 ist offline
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Re: blue tables?

The french rules say that the colour of the table must be "deep and mat (not bright)", so you can also play on red tables for examples .
Hardbat (Brettchen) is the future of table tennis ! http://hardbat-france.blog4ever.com/
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Alt 26.12.2003, 19:59
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Re: blue tables?

Zitat von JanMove
I don't think that different countries have different regulations for the table's color. Here, in Switzerland, approximately 50% of the Clubs play with blue tables and 50% with green tables, while more than 80% of the Clubs use yellow balls. I prefer playing on blue tables in combination with yellow balls. This leads to the best optical contrast! My ranking for the combination of tables with balls is as follows:
1. blue table & yellow balls (best optical contrast)
2. green table & white balls
3. blue table & white balls
4. green table & yellow balls (worst optical contrast)


With yellow balls I fear to become a blind man !!
And on the green tables I learned to play table tennis.
So I prefer for sure green tables + the old, white balls.

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Alt 31.12.2003, 00:33
Pinguin Pinguin ist offline
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Re: blue tables?

Zitat von Nicht registriert
and the other with green or black.
Black tables? Really?

Wow, perfect contrast to the white balls...
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Alt 31.12.2003, 13:13
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pelirroja pelirroja ist offline
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Re: blue tables?

Well, I learned playing tabletennis on green tables, too. My former club had only green tables and I played there for 6,5 years, so I got used to them!
The club where I play now also has got some blue tables, but I don't really like to play on them...
Auch die längste Reise beginnt mit dem ersten Schritt. (Laotse)

Wir sind Hude!
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Alt 15.11.2005, 10:45
Kasaki Kasaki ist offline
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AW: blue tables?

i prefer blue tables in combination with a black or blue net and a white ball.
Blue makes happy^^
Yellow balls are training balls for me. A point game with a yellow ball is IMHO unbelievable and i´ve never had one.
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Alt 27.11.2005, 15:51
Josip Josip ist offline
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AW: blue tables?

yes! blue tables, black net and white ball!
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Alt 29.11.2005, 04:49
Mr.500 Mr.500 ist offline
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AW: blue tables?

Zitat von Josip
yes! blue tables, black net and white ball!
I have the same opionion. Terrible: orange ball + green table.
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Alt 01.12.2005, 17:59
ralf19601956 ralf19601956 ist offline
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AW: blue tables?

Zitat von Mr.500
I have the same opionion. Terrible: orange ball + green table.
I have had a game with a orange ball on green tables,terrible,my partner told me that he would lose every game,cause he couldnt see the ball.
I hated it too,but not so much,like him.
I dont think that it is good to make it dramaticly,but perfect is it still not.
My ranking:

: blue tables+white ball
: green tables+white balls
green tables+orange ball
blue tables+orange ball

But most the orange ball is guilty.

D05 - Donic Esprit - Spinfire
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