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Alt 04.01.2004, 13:50
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Nosti49 Nosti49 ist offline
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What colour do you use on forehand ?

Hi All,

I have used in the past colour "red" on forehand, "as usual".
After 7 years of "non-playing" -as the colour for my required thickness on FH was only available in black- I re-started again with "black".

1 1/2 years later the thickness for FH was only available in red, so I changed to red. THAT WAS A MISTAKE !!
I did not hit too much in the next matches....

So I had to change the colurs again and then I hit again !!

Has that something to do with the colour or only with my "head" ??

What colour do you use ?


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Alt 04.01.2004, 14:15
sVeNd sVeNd ist offline
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Re: What colour do you use on forehand ?

i have always used red sheets on my forehand, so i cannot say too much about differences between red and black sheets. But this topic has already been discussed here a few times in the german forums and it was said that there are slight differences because of the different consistence (colour pigments - hope, this word exists somehow ). But it probably also depends on the sheet you use and whether you get a good or bad sheet.
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Alt 04.01.2004, 14:26
Benutzerbild von pelirroja
pelirroja pelirroja ist offline
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Re: What colour do you use on forehand ?

Well, I used black on forehand, but since about 2,5 years I'm using red on forehand. But I can't say if there's a difference between them because I didn't change only the color but also the sheet (or how it's called in English, I don't know ).
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