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Alt 03.06.2014, 17:06
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P_ö_B_e_L P_ö_B_e_L ist offline
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Training in Beijing


I will head to Beijing/China in a couple of days to work there for three months and I am wondering if I can play table tennis over there. It seems strange to ask for a training opportunity in a country with table tennis as main sports, but as far as I know is there no similar "club structure" as it exists in Germany.

I will return after the new season has alreday started so it would be pretty nice to have the opportunity of training in between. So, does anyone here know something about the training conditions in China, especially for players from abroad?

Best regards,
Hier gehts zum Tippspiel der Landesliga 4: http://tippspiel.tt-news.de/index.ph...ID=4&div_id=56
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Alt 04.06.2014, 23:49
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AW: Training in Beijing

Hallo Henning,
Also ich kann nur aus meiner Erfahrung berichten.
Habe mich letztes Jahr einige Wochen in Südchina und Tibet herumgetrieben.
Dabei habe ich mit Nachdruck versucht Vereine zum trainieren zu finden.
Leider gelang mir dies nicht.
Alles was ich fand waren Freizeitsportler, die im Park auf Betontischen spielten.
Selbst einen TT-Shop zu finden gelang nur in Kunming.
Dieser war sehr klein und vom Angebot her auch überschaubar.
Und das bei einer Einwohnerzahl von ca. 7 Mio!

Ich könne (zu mindestens in Südchina) den Mythos vom TT-Land China nicht spüren.
Das kann aber im Norden ganz anders sein.

Gruß, Photino
VH: GEWO Hype XT Pro 40.0, Holz: Andro Kanter FO, RH: Andro Rasanter V42
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Alt 05.06.2014, 08:04
Claus Claus ist gerade online
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AW: Training in Beijing

habe ähnliche Erfahrungen in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu und Chongqing gemacht. Habe mich auch mit einigen Chinesen unterhalten, Volkssport ist eher Basketball, Badminton ...... Einige wussten gar nicht was TT ist und einer den ich gefragt habe ob er einen TT Laden kennt, hat mich zu einem Snooker laden geführt . Das lag wohl an meinem chinesisch
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Alt 06.06.2014, 09:08
Schlamper Schlamper ist offline
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AW: Training in Beijing

Mir ging es in Shanghai ähnlich.Auf meine Frage hin gesellte sich ein älterer Herr zu uns und geleitete uns in mehrere Kaufhäuser Dort gab es die 210 gr schweren Friendship Schläger usw.Dafür wollte er dann bezahlt werden.
In der DHS Centrale, ein 30 qm großes Büro, wurden mir 3 Kaufhaus Modelle gezeigt.Tischtennis ist in China eine Elite Sportart die zwar in der Bevölkerung bekannt ist aber in seiner Popularität an Fußball nicht heranreicht.
Gruß Schlamper
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Alt 06.06.2014, 12:32
Benutzerbild von P_ö_B_e_L
P_ö_B_e_L P_ö_B_e_L ist offline
Was soll denn das?
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AW: Training in Beijing

Hi Leute,

das sind ja nicht so tolle Aussichten - vielleicht können mich ja die Leute vor Ort irgendwie vermitteln, ansonsten bleibt der Schläger halt im Koffer

Danke für eure Hilfe,
Hier gehts zum Tippspiel der Landesliga 4: http://tippspiel.tt-news.de/index.ph...ID=4&div_id=56
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Alt 06.06.2014, 15:52
Matousek Matousek ist gerade online
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AW: Training in Beijing

ich würde Dir raten einen in Deutschland spielenden Chinesen zu fragen, ob er Dir eine Adresse vermitteln kann.
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Alt 06.06.2014, 17:12
TTSpin TTSpin ist offline
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AW: Training in Beijing

Hallo Henning,

eine Adresse hätte ich für Dich: Beijing Shi Cha Sports School
Ob die Dich dort aber mit trainieren lassen bezweifle ich.

Aber das ist der Weg, Du musst einfach eine Tischtennisschule in Peking finden.
Meist ist der Besitzer ein ehemaliger Profi dem die Schule gehört oder seinen Namen dafür hergibt.

Gruß: Achim
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Alt 13.06.2014, 22:19
Andreas F. Andreas F. ist offline
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AW: Training in Beijing

in english language please! This is the english speaking part of our forum, so we should respect international guest and answer in english language (even if some of us - like me - don´t speak so good english).

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I will head to Beijing/China in a couple of days to work there for three months and I am wondering if I can play table tennis over there. It seems strange to ask for a training opportunity in a country with table tennis as main sports, but as far as I know is there no similar "club structure" as it exists in Germany.

I will return after the new season has alreday started so it would be pretty nice to have the opportunity of training in between. So, does anyone here know something about the training conditions in China, especially for players from abroad?

Best regards,
Hello Henning,

maybe this links could help you:

Beijing Shichahai Sports School

Table Tennis Training & Exhcange China Program

I think the next one is not that what you are looking for, but maybe they can tell you, where you could go for practise:

2014 Training Camp in Chinese National Table Tennis Training Center

Registration Time:You can enroll at any time based on your convenience and availability at the training center,please contact us and request your preferred date and length of training.
Eligibility: Age 8 +. Seniors (age 50+),with good health condition.

Training Place: Chinese National Table Tennis Training Center ,Hebei,China

Activity Highlights:
1.Specialized training of table tennis by professional coaches at Chinese National Table Tennis Training Center for all levels of table tennis players. (Trainees will be assigned into groups based on their skill levels).
2.Photo opportunity with all the World Cups current at the Table Tennis Museum.

Activity Time:
Short term: 15 days
Medium term: 30/45/60 days
Long term: more than half a year

Training Center Introduction:
The Chinese National Table Tennis Training Center carries closed training for national table tennis team before important competitions since 1992, the center have receipted national table tennis team, three times Olympic Games, and seven times world table tennis match . After group training, the national team took part in the world competition,and in all they won 38 world champions, 15 Olympic Game gold medals and a number of silver/ bronze medals. The center is praised as "Perfect place of national team" and "the cradle of world champion". At the same time, the center also conducted international training programs for table tennis team from more than 30 other countries and areas. It has undertook three times Asia teenage table tennis training camp activity and many times large domestic table tennis competition, and made contribution to international table tennis communication and cooperation. There are many large standard training halls; there are also have the competition table tennis desks from all over the world, which are mainly used for joining table tennis competition held by international table tennis federation, in addition, other facilities like billiards room, gym, sauna room and high-speed internet are also available. First class chefs prepare well-planned meals to meet the needs of participants in the center.
Coaches are experienced table tennis professionals who have trained players for champion level. Interpreters in all major languages are available throughout the training center. Focused training based on your personal skill improves your level of veracity, consistency, accuracy, power and hit ratio, and gives you a good boost on table tennis skill development. The participants will be divided into groups by levels, the training center will arrange match against for those who have the same level as athletes from all over the world.

Daily Training Schedule Arrangement:
7:30am : Breakfast
8:30 - 8:50am : Warm Up
8:50-11:00am : Training
12:00pm : Lunch
12:30-14:30pm : Break
14:50-17:00pm : Training
18:00pm : Dinner
19:00-21:00pm : Free Practice
22:00pm : Bedtime
Note: 1: Team Against Match every Wednesday
2: The training hours will be changed depending on the seasons.

Pick Up & Greeting:
Beijing Capital Airport , Beijing China . (3.5hrs driving to training center )
Shijiazhuang Airport, Hebei, China (30 minutes to training center by car)

Lodging Condition:
Lodge in standard double-bed rooms (three-star hotel standard) at the Chinese National Table Tennis Training Center, each of which has a telephone, Here are a lot of rooms that have ever been occupied by the world champions and the excellent professional athletes who came from all over the world. The girls and boys live separately. You can also reserve one single-bed room with extra fee.Laundry service is provided by the center.
Other three or four star hotels are located in walking distance from the training center as you request.

Security and Insurance:
We will be in charge of picking up and dropping off all the applicants, and professional coaches and doctor are available at the training site all the time. In addition, we will purchase 230,000 RMB accidental insurance for all trainees in China during the training session.

Also Provided:
1. A table tennis bat
2. A set of sport uniform
3. Training-completion certificate
4. Take photos with 7 World Cups as memento

The Registration procedure as follows:
1. Download the Registration application form from our website and fill in, then please send it to us
(NOTE:The download is in PDF format,PDF Reader download)
2. Pay 200-500 USD/ person for deposit; please remit it to our bank account which showed on our website.
3. We will send you the formal invitation letter and pick up sign at the airport after we received your deposit.
4. You need send us the trainee’s passport copy(buy insurance during your stay in China)
5. Pay balance fee 15 days before departing your country


ACCOUNT NO. 100147796287
Tel: 86 - 311 -83091386
Fax: 86-311-83091336
Email: cntttc@163.com

North America:
Please make check payable to 'MIC America LLC '
Address: 99 Briarwood Drive West,Warren, NJ07059 USA.
Tel: 001-908 510 7366 .
Fax : 001-207 510 7364.
Email: info.micamerica@gmail.com

Fee Schedule:

      Item Short term
15 days Middle term
(30day 45days 60days) Long term
Costs include:
The fee of pick-up and see-off in Beijing Airport, the traffic fee in China , the insurance fee in China , each person 230,000RMB . the lodging and meals fee , training fee , two sports T-shirts for each person , a couple of table tennis paddle , training completion certificate , the internet in the room , providing bottled mineral water everyday , laundry , the accompanied translator and driver and so on .
Costs does not include:
international air tickets, international telephone and personal shopping. $ 1490 (15days) $ 2790 (30days)
$ 3990 (45days)
$ 5190 (60days)
We can decide it according to your time
Deposit (including $50 non-refundable registration fee) $ 200 $ 500 $ 500
Final Balance pay it on 15 days before leaving their country $ 1290 $2290 (30days)

   -If some applicant wants to cancel the enrollment 10 days before leaving their country for personal reasons, we will refund 50% of the total charge. No refund after we pick up him in Beijing.
   1、After checking your total payment, we will send you admission documentations and invitation letter.
   2、If you are part of a group, please indicate your group name on your application and check.

Parents or Custodians:
   Parents, guardians, companions are welcome to observe , we can make arrangements of lodging and meals, as well as other culture activities and local trips, for which you only need pay the basic cost(950USD/15days)
Group Rate:
If you are part of a group, please contact us to request pricing separately.

Note: If you like to take tours in Beijing as an extension of your training, please contact us to make arrangements
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Alt 18.07.2014, 18:15
Tony_Iommi Tony_Iommi ist offline
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AW: Training in Beijing

Just found this thread, probably a little late by now, but anyway: hit up Wally Green on facebook (or send me a PM and I'll hook you up). He's a frequent visitor down there and I'm sure he wouldn't mind sharing dome details with you.
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