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Alt 28.02.2004, 11:21
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How could I make my own rubber?

How could I make my own rubber/glue?
And how to make it faster or slower?
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Alt 28.02.2004, 15:10
Pinguin Pinguin ist offline
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Re: How could I make my own rubber?

Zitat von Pijama25
How could I make my own rubber/glue?
And how to make it faster or slower?
If you're planning to use this rubber/glue on official tournaments or matches, this won't work as the glues and rubbers have to be approved by the ITTF.
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Alt 01.03.2004, 18:05
Benutzerbild von Francis54
Francis54 Francis54 ist offline
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Re: How could I make my own rubber?

Zitat von Pijama25
How could I make my own rubber/glue?
And how to make it faster or slower?
Aaah... Pijama25, are you really serious or are you kidding? :confused: Even if you don't want to play in official competitions, you can find cheap rubbers or paddles to play with, and it would certainly be cheaper and less dangerous than trying to make your own rubbers and glue.
For your information, here are the lists of official rubbers and glues :
Hardbat (Brettchen) is the future of table tennis ! http://hardbat-france.blog4ever.com/
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