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Alt 08.05.2004, 14:54
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Palio CK531A "Blue Edition"

Do some of you have informations about this rubber? Is it the same rubber as Palio CK531A, but with another sponge? Why is it not on the ITTF list? It seems that only german players play with it in Europe.
Hardbat (Brettchen) is the future of table tennis ! http://hardbat-france.blog4ever.com/
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Alt 08.05.2004, 16:04
Büffelschnitt Büffelschnitt ist offline
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AW: Palio CK531A "Blue Edition"

Zitat von Francis54
Do some of you have informations about this rubber? Is it the same rubber as Palio CK531A, but with another sponge? Why is it not on the ITTF list? It seems that only german players play with it in Europe.
The sponge doesn't have anything to do with the difference between "Blue Edition" and the so called "Yellow Edition".
The Blue Edition is comparable to Joola Fakir and the rubbers from Dr. Neubauer.
The Yellow Edition has regular grip and is quite not so dangerous for the opponent.
The Blue Editon costs here in Germany about 30 Euro, Yello Edition about 13 Euro.

Greets, Uli
Auer und Hude. Mehr braucht es eigentlich nicht im Leben eines TT-Spielers.
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Alt 10.05.2004, 02:38
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Francis54 Francis54 ist offline
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AW: Palio CK531A "Blue Edition"

But "Blue Edition" seems to be a "prepared" rubber, and so not ITTF approved, so how to make the difference between the 2 versions?
Hardbat (Brettchen) is the future of table tennis ! http://hardbat-france.blog4ever.com/
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Alt 10.05.2004, 03:38
Büffelschnitt Büffelschnitt ist offline
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AW: Palio CK531A "Blue Edition"

Zitat von Francis54
But "Blue Edition" seems to be a "prepared" rubber, and so not ITTF approved, so how to make the difference between the 2 versions?
Of course it is a prepared rubber.
But nobody can explain WHERE it is prepared. People buy it legally in a TT-Shop and don't prepare it themselves.
The company Palio declares, that they produce only one version of the rubber. So Palio and the ITTF make no difference between any versions.
Officially there exists only ONE Palio CK531A, which is approved by the ITTF.

As you said, the Blue Edition is a "german thing". :-) You don't want to know, how much we disuss this topic (wether it's legal or not). :-))

Personally you can only make a difference, if you know how a prepared long pimple rubber looks (or feels) like. But then you still have to prove, that the player has not prepared the rubber himself. That is the problem. :-)

Greets, Uli
Auer und Hude. Mehr braucht es eigentlich nicht im Leben eines TT-Spielers.
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Alt 11.05.2004, 00:35
4 MD 4 MD ist offline
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AW: Palio CK531A "Blue Edition"

the firm "Gold Plam" declared , that they produce only one version of the palio ,but the non slippery version ! I saw the e-mail wiht their answer !
So it is clear ,that the "blue edition2 is not legal !

greetings 4 MD
bekennender Re-Impact-Spieler
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Alt 11.05.2004, 12:02
4 MD 4 MD ist offline
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AW: Palio CK531A "Blue Edition"

Zitat von OSR
Maybe it is not legal, but you can play with it.


- Referee -

If you know ,that the firm " Gold Palm" produces only the grippy palio Ck ...,why do you allow to use it ? Are rules for nothing ?

4 MD

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Alt 11.05.2004, 12:36
Büffelschnitt Büffelschnitt ist offline
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AW: Palio CK531A "Blue Edition"

It's great that our friends in France (and whereever in the world) can now be part of the entertaining palio-discussion.
Welcome to the freak show!

Greets, Uli
Auer und Hude. Mehr braucht es eigentlich nicht im Leben eines TT-Spielers.
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Alt 11.05.2004, 12:54
4 MD 4 MD ist offline
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AW: Palio CK531A "Blue Edition"

Zitat von OSR
You can find the rubber in the list, so it is allowed to play with it.
A very convincely argument !
bye 4 MD
bekennender Re-Impact-Spieler
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Alt 11.05.2004, 12:56
4 MD 4 MD ist offline
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AW: Palio CK531A "Blue Edition"

Zitat von Büffelschnitt
It's great that our friends in France (and whereever in the world) can now be part of the entertaining palio-discussion.
Welcome to the freak show!

Greets, Uli
Oh, so many unknown people here from so many different countries !
bekennender Re-Impact-Spieler
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Alt 11.05.2004, 12:58
Büffelschnitt Büffelschnitt ist offline
Noppenkillerkiller :)
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AW: Palio CK531A "Blue Edition"

Zitat von 4 MD
Oh, so many unknown people here from so many different countries !
I thought this place is the center of the virtual world. Don't take my illusions!
Auer und Hude. Mehr braucht es eigentlich nicht im Leben eines TT-Spielers.
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