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Alt 16.02.2001, 00:59
yoshi yoshi ist offline
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Wow, I guess I am the first to post something here.

So what do you think, can Waldner pull it off once more or will the Chinese proof to be too strong again ?
I’d like him to win another major title before he retires.

Another thing, what is your coverage going to be like ?


Btw, I like the look of your forum.

Geändert von yoshi (16.02.2001 um 01:07 Uhr)
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Alt 16.02.2001, 01:24
[tt]JayNiz [tt]JayNiz ist offline
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Hi yoshi,

I don't think that JeO will do it again. Look at his results in the swedish league. He hardly wins a match. The time is against Waldner, he is now almost 36 years old.

I guess the young chinese players will make it in Japan. Wang Liqin, Ma Lin or someone else you never heard of Everything is possible, but I do not expect an europan champion! The chinese are too far away...

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Alt 16.02.2001, 02:37
Thorsten Thorsten ist offline
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One of the administrators (BT-Tobi) is going to be in Osaka. Expect up-to-date results, interviews, comments and much more.
You gotta be good, to be lucky

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Alt 16.02.2001, 14:40
Dragonspin Dragonspin ist offline
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I guess in Osaka a few Europeans to be strong enough to win against the chinese armada!
Vladimir Samsonov, Petr Korbel and Timo Boll, are my hope.
I hope also Mihaela Steff or Tamara Boros to play grandiose worldchampionships.
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Alt 16.02.2001, 16:54
Dorit Dorit ist offline
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I hope he will become champion again and after his good result in Sydney I think it`s possible.
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Alt 16.02.2001, 19:39
Kate Kate ist offline
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Hi Joshi!
I've never seen this forum before, but to your question:
If Waldner is fond of playing table tennis, he definitely has a chance against the Chinese. In a Swedish magazine he pointed out that he could win another medal in the OS. So. let's hope he's going to to play the OS!
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Alt 16.02.2001, 23:46
jpetrovs jpetrovs ist offline
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by the way, who is going to be on the german team to osaka?

what about france and sweden? when do they announce their teams?
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Alt 17.02.2001, 00:31
Kate Kate ist offline
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I looked at the page of the Swedish table tennis association, but they haven't announced the team yet.
You could check www.svenskidrott.se/bordtennis, click "Pressnytt- Manad för Manad". As soon as they announce the team, you should find it there. If you have problems in understanding ( unfortunately it is only Swedish), just ask me!
Concerning the German team, you might have a look at www.tischtennis.de, but I'm not sure if you can any information on this there
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Alt 17.02.2001, 12:57
yoshi yoshi ist offline
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Who are the best European players right now and who is this Timo Boll? I have never heard of him.
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Alt 17.02.2001, 14:13
Dorit Dorit ist offline
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Timo boll is a young Player from Germany. He hadn`t win any big title ( only in European Youth Championchips) but he is able to win against everyone (Samsonov and Waldner for example). He is one of the european hopes for the future.
I think Samsonov is the best player at the moment but Schlager and Waldner are able to win big tournaments, too.
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