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Technique - Tactics - Training share your table tennis knowledge about stroke technique, training methods, game strategies, coaching, etc.

Alt 17.02.2001, 05:12
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If you play matches in the training, which ideas do you have for different games?

We often play the "Kaiserspiel": Everybody plays with his partner a match, after some time the trainer says STOP!
And then the winners must go a table up and the loosers must go a table down.
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Alt 18.02.2001, 14:02
be2me be2me ist offline
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The player serving has 16 points, his opponent 19.

I like this constallation because you learn how to cope with a tight situation and you gain confidence in your service, your ability to turn a game.
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Alt 10.03.2001, 00:03
Kjell Kjell ist offline
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different situations

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Alt 13.03.2001, 19:49
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philippo philippo ist offline
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We play the "Kaiserspiel", too.
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Alt 16.06.2001, 18:53
Kuraz Kuraz ist offline
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The "Kaiserspiel" is a very nice Game, but the bad players are always together and the good players, too.
And the "Lernerfolg"where is it for the players who aren´t so good???????????????:confused:
Das Lächeln ist die kürzeste Verbindung zwischen zwei Menschen.

1999 Philip Götz
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Alt 17.06.2001, 13:38
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philippo philippo ist offline
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You have got a interesting and nice signature, especially the author from your signature is a very smart and charming boy!
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Alt 08.03.2002, 12:27
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K.O.-System with only one set.

winner = 8 points
2. = 7 points
3. = 6 points
8. = 1 points

3 rounds in a training and the winner is the player with the most points after this 3 rounds.
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Alt 08.03.2002, 14:08
Noppengott Noppengott ist offline
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Alternativ to the "Kaiserspiel" I let my children play a game witch we call "Bench-Point-Game". For 10 Players you need 4 tables, so that 2 Players are always sitting on the bench. The players at the tables do a match up to 6 points. If a player win a game, for example 6 to 3, than the winner have to sit down on the bench and get his first Bench-Point. The person, who waits longest at the bench, goes for him to the table and play against the Person who loose 3 to 6 before. But the formerly looser stay at 3 points from the match before, so they start with 3 to 0 (competitive edge).
The winner of the game is the person who makes the most Bench Points in a half hour ( because he win more matches, and win faster than the others).
The advantages of the Bench-Point-Game are, that also the least player win matches. Perhabs he needs 10 opposer for this, but than he has collect 6 netpoints.
The opposers change very quickly, and you don`t have a selection in the playing performance (like in the Kaisersspiel, where after a short time only the best players match against each other).
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Alt 12.02.2004, 16:47
Trevor Bowen /GB
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Re: Ideas for matches in a training

That is interesting and I will certainly try this idea with my youngest players.
Do you have other ideas like that ?

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Alt 17.02.2004, 13:19
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Re: Ideas for matches in a training

Hi Trevor,
no question, it is always good to play matches as part of the training - usually in the end and not too much. Using different rules and changing some circumstances (e.g. the shape of the table) makes this interesting and thrilling and helps definitely to learn. To give you some examples :

1.) Top Table, in Germany mostly known as Kaiserspiel, can have variable rules. Example : not the coach says stop, the player who has as first achieved (lets say) 11 points does it. Everybody then changes up and down, and in the next round the first player with 10 points says stop and so on until(lets say) 5 points.

2.) Only the server can make points, the player who plays the return cannot. Lets say at 0:0 the return players wins the rally. He does not get a point for that, but he serves after, so getting the chance for the next point. Lets say he wins the rally again, so this will be counted and the score is 1:0 for him. He keeps serving, and at the end of the next rally he either gets one more point (2:0), or nobody gets the point and he is losing the service. This way of counting is known from volleyball.

3.) Play several games with several partners. A game is not won at 11:x, it is won when one player has 3 points more than his opponent. The shortest possible play will be 3:0, but it may also end 49:46.

4.) Very interesting is the combination of rule 2.) and 3.) together. However, this requires a certain amount of brain...

5.) In a game, the weaker player is allowed to use every stroke he wants to use. His opponent - or the one who needs to improve his attack - is allowed to push only one time per rally. Should he push again, he is losing the point.

This list can go on for ages, there are endless possibilities. Ask experienced coaches, and be creative, just invent something new !

Good luck !

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