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Alt 03.01.2005, 07:13
littlehinoki littlehinoki ist offline
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Old Banda & stiga wanted....


It is nice to meet table tennis friends here.

I am from Hong Kong. Please forgive me that I cannot write in German. However, I can read German with the help of Web translator. Anyway, it is very appreciated if you are so nice to write in English here.

I am looking for old banda and stiga woods, if any of you have the followings and wants to sell please inform me. I will pay good price.

1. Very old Banda Waldner - with dark brown grip and one lens (co, an, st, fl)
2. Old Banda Waldner - with grey grip and a blue/yellow middle strip (co, an, st, fl)
3. Very old Stiga offensive (Alser, Johansson, Bengtsson). with or without lens

Please contact me by email to : ckwong18@netvigator.com

Thanks a lot.
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Alt 03.01.2005, 19:35
Benutzerbild von Ass
Ass Ass ist offline
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AW: Old Banda & stiga wanted....

Hi littlehinoki,

if your search is not succsessful.
Try a new Stiga Anniversary with the engraving: LE (Limited Edition).
It costs 79,90 ?, new. Possible Dealer: ML SPORTING

good luck for the old ones...
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