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Alt 30.04.2005, 22:32
Benutzerbild von Francis54
Francis54 Francis54 ist offline
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Registriert seit: 31.08.2003
Ort: Frankreich
Alter: 64
Beiträge: 50
Francis54 ist zur Zeit noch ein unbeschriebenes Blatt (Renommeepunkte ungefähr beim Startwert +20)
2nd hardbat tournament in Vandoeuvre (France), Sunday May 29

Like in 2004, we'll organize our tournament in spring, this year on
Mother's Day, the week-end just before Nordhorn Tournament. We'll
play on 6 tables (that will be enough, last year we were 9 players).
Vandoeuvre is in the east of France, in the suburb of Nancy, about
320 km (200 miles) far from Paris, and 500 km (310 miles) on the
south of Nordhorn. For the moment, we are 12 players, including a german player from Nordhorn (I'm just waiting for his confirmation). To see the english poster : http://www.20six.fr/hardbat_france/w.../1vw9cn6z5oyp9
If some of you are interested, you can contact me by PM.
Hardbat (Brettchen) is the future of table tennis ! http://hardbat-france.blog4ever.com/
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Alt 19.05.2005, 17:45
Benutzerbild von Francis54
Francis54 Francis54 ist offline
registrierter Besucher
Registriert seit: 31.08.2003
Ort: Frankreich
Alter: 64
Beiträge: 50
Francis54 ist zur Zeit noch ein unbeschriebenes Blatt (Renommeepunkte ungefähr beim Startwert +20)
AW: 2nd hardbat tournament in Vandoeuvre (France), Sunday May 29

We are now 15 entrants in the tournament (that's 6 more than last year), with 2 german players and a chinese one from my club : it's now a real international event !
There's no fee, no prices, it's just for fun !
Hardbat (Brettchen) is the future of table tennis ! http://hardbat-france.blog4ever.com/
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Hardbat tournament Francis54 International Table Tennis Forum 2 01.01.2004 20:57

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