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Alt 20.03.2002, 09:30
cwlee cwlee ist offline
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Talking Chinese view of equipment

For those who are interested how professional (or at least serious) table tennis players in China choose their equipment. Here is the info:

Predominately all players choose all-wood blades. The consideration is power and control for forehand (speed is secondary), and speed for backhand. Avalox is the king. Stiga and Yasaka is preferred.

Since power/control but not speed is important for forehand, people choose Chinese rubber (729/DHS/999T) which is slower and more sticky (spinny) as compared to other foreign rubber. Most players will DIY it with "Japanese" sponge which is more elastic than the Chinese sponge. The result is better control and more power as compared to "imported" rubber/sponge (at least it is what people think). Sponge will be reused (in some cases for years just like blades)

For backhand, imported rubber (butterfly, donic, stiga, nittaku) is preferred since it is faster. Speed is the key of backhand. It is not to be the point-winning tactics.

Hope you find it interesting!
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Alt 21.03.2002, 00:13
Beiträge: n/a
Thank you for your informations!
But I heard that Wang Liqin plays now the Stiga Carbo Oversize! Do you know more?
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