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Alt 12.10.2008, 19:08
ivo-M ivo-M ist offline
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Is tabletennis 'slower' at this moment?

Today i have watched Boll-Samsonov in St-Petersburg.

For my feeling it was like the game has become much slower. I could 'see' the ball all the time, even in the fast rally's. Maybe it will be more interesting to watch tabletennis (on tv) with the new generation of rubbers.
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Alt 13.10.2008, 17:35
Fiiiisch Fiiiisch ist offline
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AW: Is tabletennis 'slower' at this moment?

Yes, it was slower because the new rubbers arnt as fast as the old rubbers with tuning
VH: Xiom Vega Pro, Max
RH: Tibhar Nianmor, 2,0 Butterfly ALC
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Alt 13.10.2008, 21:06
TT-Power TT-Power ist offline
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AW: Is tabletennis 'slower' at this moment?

And what`s about players who tuned their rubbers? I´m sure there were some players who did that in St. Petersburg.
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Alt 14.10.2008, 07:01
ivo-M ivo-M ist offline
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AW: Is tabletennis 'slower' at this moment?

I thought that the rallies were short. I can remember only a few long rally's.

Strange if you consider the fact that Samsonov's 'basic tactic' (i know that this is a too simpel way to discribe his game) is to keep the ball on the table and that the speed of the rally's was much lower than with fresh-glue.
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Alt 26.10.2008, 11:59
Joot Joot ist offline
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AW: Is tabletennis 'slower' at this moment?

Yes a bit...
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Alt 28.10.2008, 21:27
Eddies Amigos Eddies Amigos ist offline
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AW: Is tabletennis 'slower' at this moment?

It is definitely slower than before, some people benefit from that, others don't...
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Alt 29.10.2008, 12:43
ivo-M ivo-M ist offline
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AW: Is tabletennis 'slower' at this moment?

Will this make tabletennis be more atractive for non-players to watch (on tv)?
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Alt 29.10.2008, 18:56
Eddies Amigos Eddies Amigos ist offline
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AW: Is tabletennis 'slower' at this moment?

I'm not so sure about that. A match between a defender and an attacker might be more attractive, because the rallies will probably be longer. But in a match between 2 attackers you can't give a definite answer. Personally I think there were better rallies when speed-glueing was allowed, tohers think the opposite
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Alt 06.12.2008, 17:53
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barracuda barracuda ist offline
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AW: Is tabletennis 'slower' at this moment?

I hope tuning will be allowed again, because table tennis can be everytime fast, but important is the spin!!!

spin is the basis for great topspin-topspin rallys and important for defensive players like Kōji Matsushita, too

without speed glueing and without tuners there is less spin in the ball, but to play fast, it is easy: the players take faster rackets (blade). this is not good for our sport. the players attack harder and very fast and the rallys will get shorter.

nearly all players need spin! spin is important for players with long pimples, too! they need the spin to work with them.

to play butterfly sardius + tenergy25 or bryce speed + spectol is no solution which makes fun.
same speed but less spin = less fun!
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