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Frequently asked questions to Adham Sharara
I've created this F.A.Q. to prevent members from asking questions to Mr. Sharara that were already asked previously. Please have a look onto it before you post. The answers are summaries of posts which are linked to (usually in the "answer-a"). This F.A.Q. is just a rough guide and will probably be updated continiously. Let me know if you think that something is missing or wrong. Please note that I copied/pasted these text passages from Mr. Sharara's original (sometimes several) posts and that some parts could be misunderstood.
Frequently asked questions/topics Q 1: Can you bring proof that the changes (40mm ball, 11 points rule) really were good?
Any measure of success remains a question of statistics and opinions. My statistics show that ITTF influenced in improving our sport, and my opinion is unfortunately biased. The delegates at the ITTf are not stupid, if after a year or two they realize that this rule should be changed back they will do it. But we must give enough time to see the effects. We had mush stronger opposition to the 40mm ball and the 11 points games, but today there is general agreement that these were good changes. Q 2: The rules were/are badly executed and their was internal confusion in the ITTF.
Q 3: TT is now totally overregulated and the ITTF doesn't care for the amateurs.
Q 4: What's the point of thinking about huge popularity? TT will never be as popular as soccer or so. A: If I did not believe that, then it's better for me to stay home and sleep. Q 5: The rules may work on international level, where umpires and testing devices are present but not on amateur level: A: It's up to each national association (and its affiliates) to decide how and if they wish to implement ITTF rules. It is subsequently also their responsibility to take care of the proper implementation of the rules. Q 6: I heard that new rules (such as a higher net and a 42mm ball are discussed)?
Q 7: This rule is terrible for lower league members. I'm an amateur, I just want to play for fun (and I'm too old to change my style).
Older players can learn new things. If you already have the basics, then you can learn the variations. If you are playing only for fun and you don't have time for practice, then of course it is difficult to improve. In this case play even more for fun, try new things, win or lose it does not matter because you play for fun.Q 8: The rules are useless because you can't control them, players keep cheating. A: It is impossible to detect everything and always someone will cheat. Just like the IOC cannot detect every drug taken by athletes and always someone will cheat. So? Does that mean we abandon in what we believe and allow everything so that we have no problems? This would be like the IOC saying "we always have cheaters so we will no longer test for drugs". No, this is not the answer. The answer is that we need better detecting equipment and we need to educate young players to be honest and follow the rules. ... There will always be those that will find their own substances and tinker with their equipment to gain advantage. Q 9: Speed-glue is (was) well-established and was in use for many many years. Why did it take so long to create a rule to ban it?
Q 10: Those players that used speed-glue will simply use tuners. Why weren't they banned?
Q 11: The whole implementation of the rules is undemocratic. The voices of the everyday players are not being heard. These players don't want these rules and they don't care for tv presence and such. A:What do you call when a group of national associations decide to form a world body because they have common international needs. So they form a federation of national associations, create a constitution, set-up a structure, have elections to elect their representatives, and follow the rules of their constitution? This is how all international federations are constituted and function. You cannot compare an International Federation (IF) to a government. An international federation is just that, and it does have its own democratic process. Any rule, change to the constitution, regulation, etc., is decided by a vote.
"Jedes Kind bringt die Botschaft, dass Gott die Lust am Menschen noch nicht verloren hat." Geändert von TSC (16.02.2009 um 20:51 Uhr) |
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