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Alt 06.05.2009, 19:25
Pushblocker Pushblocker ist offline
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USATT Rating/European Leagues

I wonder if there is a way to approximately translate a USATT Rating to European Leagues, like Germany, Austria or Switzerland..
Does anyone know more or less what class matches approximately what rating range?
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Alt 06.05.2009, 22:42
Mac Teefürzweifix Mac Teefürzweifix ist offline
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AW: USATT Rating/European Leagues

I can only report my personal experience. My own USATT rating was in the 1500 to 1520 range, whereas in Germany I generally fit into the "Bezirksklasse" or "Bezirksliga" (depending on how it's named in the various states).
A guy I used to know in the USA was rated around 2400, and he was one of the top players in the "Oberliga" over here.

So that's two data points, not statistically valid, but enough to extrapolate from and get yourself into trouble :-)

Geändert von Mac Teefürzweifix (06.05.2009 um 22:49 Uhr)
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Alt 06.05.2009, 22:47
Pushblocker Pushblocker ist offline
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AW: USATT Rating/European Leagues

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I can only report my personal experience. My own USATT rating was in the 1500 to 1530 range, whereas in Germany I generally fit into the "Bezirksklasse" or "Bezirksliga" (depending on how it's named in the various states).
A guy I used to know in the USA was rated around 2300, and he was one of the top players in the "Oberliga" over here.

So that's two data points, not statistically valid, but enough to extrapolate from and get yourself into trouble :-)
I was born in Austria (Ich bin gebuertiger Oesterreicher) and played in Austria for a few years but I increased my level significantly in the US.. I'm now rated 2129.. I've read that this would be Verbandsliga level in Germany but I can't imagine that I'm playing that high level.. When I left Austria in 1996, I played 3. Klasse in Wien (negative Bilanz). I got my initial rating of 1881 in the US in the year 2000 and am now rated 2129.. My best success so far was a win against a former world ranked player who was #550 in 2003 and was rated 2350 when I beat him..

Geändert von Pushblocker (06.05.2009 um 22:53 Uhr)
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Alt 07.05.2009, 01:09
Tony_Iommi Tony_Iommi ist offline
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AW: USATT Rating/European Leagues

Your rating is comparable to Landes-/Verbandsliga in Germany.
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Alt 07.05.2009, 09:35
JanMove JanMove ist gerade online
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AW: USATT Rating/European Leagues

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I wonder if there is a way to approximately translate a USATT Rating to European Leagues, like Germany, Austria or Switzerland..
Does anyone know more or less what class matches approximately what rating range?
In Switzerland we have so-called classification numbers from D1 to A20. The system is as follows:
D1-D5 (beginners)
C6-C10 (mid-class players)
B11-B15 (upper-class players)
A16-A20 (high-class players)

You can find a rough comparison between Swiss Leagues and German leagues
in the attached document. My current classification number is A16 and my best ranking position in Switzerland was around 40.
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Dateityp: pdf sttv_ttvwh_ligen.pdf (5,4 KB, 187x aufgerufen)
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Alt 07.05.2009, 14:38
Pushblocker Pushblocker ist offline
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AW: USATT Rating/European Leagues

Thanks for the answers.. Never really thought that my playing level war really that high. I know that in the US I'm in the top 5 - 7 % of all players but the US is a TT developing Nation.. Most good players are of foreign heritage. Here in Florida, only 3 or 4 of the top 16 players (I'm 16th at the moment) were born in the US.. Top players here in FL are from all over the world.. Cuba, Austria, Thailand, Jamaica, China, Czech Republic, Great Britain etc..

Geändert von Pushblocker (07.05.2009 um 14:45 Uhr)
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Alt 07.05.2009, 14:54
Tony_Iommi Tony_Iommi ist offline
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AW: USATT Rating/European Leagues

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Never really thought that my playing level war really that high.
Well, it is high, relatively speaking. The fact of the matter is - and I suppose you already know that since you must have been around for a bit by now - TT in Europe and TT in the States is based on two different philosophies, for the lack of a better term. We know how easily our rating here in the US can fluctuate between a couple of tournaments.

Another significantpoint is the fact, that competetive TT here in the States is being played at tournaments, whereas in Germany for instance, your level is primarily being determined by the league you play in. So it's really two pair of shoes.

But I didn't mean to take the credits away from you - apparently, you progressed quite a bit over the past few years which is a great accomplishment, no question.
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Alt 07.05.2009, 15:16
Pushblocker Pushblocker ist offline
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AW: USATT Rating/European Leagues

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Well, it is high, relatively speaking. The fact of the matter is - and I suppose you already know that since you must have been around for a bit by now - TT in Europe and TT in the States is based on two different philosophies, for the lack of a better term. We know how easily our rating here in the US can fluctuate between a couple of tournaments.

Another significantpoint is the fact, that competetive TT here in the States is being played at tournaments, whereas in Germany for instance, your level is primarily being determined by the league you play in. So it's really two pair of shoes.

But I didn't mean to take the credits away from you - apparently, you progressed quite a bit over the past few years which is a great accomplishment, no question.
I understand the difference between the systems. My rating fluctuates by about 100 points but generally, my rating has consistently increased (with fluctuations). I dropped down from 2058 to 2010 after I stopped playing at all for 6 years but later last year, I went up to 2118, dropped down to 2077, then back up to 2112, then down to 2025 (after a failed experiment with different rubber) and now I'm up to 2129, consistently beating mid 2100 to 2200 players (but occasionally losing to low 2000 players). You can check my rating history. My last name is MADER.. I'm the only TT player with that last name in the US..
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Alt 07.05.2009, 15:34
Tony_Iommi Tony_Iommi ist offline
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AW: USATT Rating/European Leagues

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I You can check my rating history...
No, I totally agree with you and I'm not doubting your rating or what so ever.
My point is, that there is a fundamental difference between the two systems and therefore, trying to match an US rating to a German league (or Austrian, for that matter) - or vice versa - is not necessarily that easy. Because even though your rating here is comparable to a range where it would fall into in Germany/Austria, after all, it is just a ballpark number.

In other words: by playing a couple of tournaments over the course of a few weeks here in the US, it is entirely possible to drop or boost in your rating by 200 points. In Germany, e. g. the results a of just a few matches over the same amount of time, will not have the same impact on as to whether or not your still a - for instance - "Landesliga-Spieler".

Again, I'm trying to contemplate the differences of the two systems - I am not questioning your statements or the fact that you established a solid rating above the 2100 mark.

Geändert von Tony_Iommi (07.05.2009 um 16:00 Uhr)
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Alt 08.05.2009, 21:54
Pushblocker Pushblocker ist offline
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AW: USATT Rating/European Leagues

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No, I totally agree with you and I'm not doubting your rating or what so ever.
My point is, that there is a fundamental difference between the two systems and therefore, trying to match an US rating to a German league (or Austrian, for that matter) - or vice versa - is not necessarily that easy. Because even though your rating here is comparable to a range where it would fall into in Germany/Austria, after all, it is just a ballpark number.

In other words: by playing a couple of tournaments over the course of a few weeks here in the US, it is entirely possible to drop or boost in your rating by 200 points. In Germany, e. g. the results a of just a few matches over the same amount of time, will not have the same impact on as to whether or not your still a - for instance - "Landesliga-Spieler".

Again, I'm trying to contemplate the differences of the two systems - I am not questioning your statements or the fact that you established a solid rating above the 2100 mark.
I understand your point and agree with it. I was just looking for a ballpark idea.. What I've read so far here and at other forums, 2100 level is approx. Landesliga/Verbandsliga.. I actually didn't think that I could compete at that level in Germany.. The only way to really find out is to play there.. I probably won't play in germany but I do have a friend who plays Unterliga in Niederoesterreich for the SVS Niederoesterreich and before that, he played 1. Klasse in Wien (just below Wiener Liga (Landesliga Wien). He USED to beat me most of the time but that was a long time ago.. Haven't played him in 7 years and my rating is now about 250 points higher than when I last played him.. I'm planning a trip to Austria next year and also plan on playing some TT there.. I'll hopefully get to play some Niederoesterreich Landesliga players to see if I'll have a chance..

Geändert von Pushblocker (08.05.2009 um 21:57 Uhr)
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