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Alt 12.10.2002, 10:43
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about clipper wood and rubber

is the clipper wood mate well with the innova light rubber?
i am currently using the markV and want a change. please suggest

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Alt 14.10.2002, 16:22
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Re: about clipper wood and rubber

Originally posted by john
is the clipper wood mate well with the innova light rubber?
i am currently using the markV and want a change. please suggest

I suggest keep on using Yasaka Mark V, Stiga Innova is not better than Mark V.
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Alt 19.10.2002, 03:40
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Re: Re: about clipper wood and rubber

actually i want a rubber with better control than the markV, any suggestion ?
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Alt 19.10.2002, 07:10
Benutzerbild von Red
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Alternative for MarkV

What thickness do you use actually? What is your preferred playing style?
--- wrecking crew ---
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Alt 19.10.2002, 09:25
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Re: Alternative for MarkV

i play 2.1mm thick and allround style. i want one is less aggressive and more spinful, good control and medium speed.
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Alt 19.10.2002, 15:21
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Try these out...

Maybe Donic J.O.Waldner, Stiga Mendo or Tibhar Rapid.
I would say J.O.Waldner first; if this is still too powerful than something like Innova (no UL)or Mendo Energy, or if it's all too soft Mendo or Rapid.
--- wrecking crew ---

Geändert von Red (19.10.2002 um 15:23 Uhr)
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Alt 19.10.2002, 16:52
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Re: Try these out...

what is the difference between the innova and the innova UL?
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Alt 19.10.2002, 20:00
Benutzerbild von Red
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On Rapid and maybe Mendo I would reduce the thickness to 1.8, Innova could also be better in 1.8.

IUL is some grades softer than normal Innova and makes shots a lot more difficult, even more if it is compared to Mark V.

A soft backhand alternative for MarkV could be Mark V GPS, also in 1.8 instead of 2.0.
--- wrecking crew ---
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Alt 20.10.2002, 23:45
Benutzerbild von Red
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a little remark:

If there are huge problems actually with those fast rubbers together with that offensive clipper-wood and you didn't become used to use MarkV on that wood, then you can surely switch to more different rubbers like IUL or, as an extreme, Chop&Drive.
--- wrecking crew ---
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Alt 21.10.2002, 05:02
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Re: a little remark:

i have tried the IUL today and i like it a lot.
it is light and more controlled than the MarkV.
however i cannot say it's better than the markV since markV is much faster. i wwonder why the rubber "dry out" so easily and i need to change need one very often.
BTW, how much is the IUL in your countries? it is just $us15.692 in hong kong here.
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