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Alt 18.04.2010, 08:07
Benutzerbild von Setz-It
Setz-It Setz-It ist offline
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TT in Toronto

Due to the Iceland volcano eruption, it seems that I will stay in Toronto for some more days. What about TT clubs and shops in Toronto, preferably downtown?

Thanks in advance!
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Alt 18.04.2010, 12:55
Benutzerbild von ttdr
ttdr ttdr ist offline
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AW: TT in Toronto

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Due to the Iceland volcano eruption, it seems that I will stay in Toronto for some more days. What about TT clubs and shops in Toronto, preferably downtown?

Thanks in advance!
Look at this...

I found it in two seconds, only because of searching with google the two words "tabletennis toronto".

In the upper part of the homepage are some "points" like 'clubs' and 'equipement dealers'. With address and mail.

So, much luck!

Greets, ttdr.
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Alt 18.04.2010, 14:41
Benutzerbild von Setz-It
Setz-It Setz-It ist offline
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AW: TT in Toronto

I know this site. I was rather looking for some personal experience or advice.
Thanks anyway.
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Alt 22.04.2010, 16:45
Benutzerbild von Setz-It
Setz-It Setz-It ist offline
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Foren-Urgestein - Master of discussion *
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Beiträge: 5.661
Setz-It ist zur Zeit noch ein unbeschriebenes Blatt (Renommeepunkte ungefähr beim Startwert +20)
AW: TT in Toronto

I'm not in Toronto anymore.
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