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Alt 08.06.2004, 08:43
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Stiga Spirit Roller Installation Problem

I have just recently purchased a stiga spirit roller and I can't seem to do the section F step 3 installation. I can't put the cap on the end of a screw on the wheel. It just won't go in, i tried screwing, hammering and pushing nothing will work, does anyone know how I can get this thing in?
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Alt 08.06.2004, 15:01
Benutzerbild von chris
chris chris ist offline
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AW: Stiga Spirit Roller Installation Problem

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I have just recently purchased a stiga spirit roller and I can't seem to do the section F step 3 installation. I can't put the cap on the end of a screw on the wheel. It just won't go in, i tried screwing, hammering and pushing nothing will work, does anyone know how I can get this thing in?

What kind of tool is this? Perhaps this is english humor or does a weblink exist?
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Alt 08.06.2004, 15:06
Benutzerbild von wfox
wfox wfox ist offline
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AW: Stiga Spirit Roller Installation Problem

Zitat von chris
What kind of tool is this? Perhaps this is english humor or does a weblink exist?
He's talking about a table....

Glaube denen, die die Wahrheit suchen, und zweifle an denen, die sie gefunden haben.
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Alt 08.06.2004, 15:49
Benutzerbild von chris
chris chris ist offline
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AW: Stiga Spirit Roller Installation Problem

Zitat von wfox
He's talking about a table....

Oh - thanks. We have Stiga tables, but I don#t know the type.
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