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Alt 15.08.2019, 21:17
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Which sponge hardness and thickness to choose?

I'm currently using andro Rasanter R37 on the backhand and forehand side, forehand 2.3mm sponge and backhand 2.0mm. My blade is Donic Waldner OFF World Champion 89.

I think the forehand rubber is too soft (it doesn't generate enough speed) and I want something harder than my current sponge with 37°.

Would andro Hexer Powergrip 2,1mm on forehand and Hexer Grip SFX 2,1mm on backhand be a good combination? Should I also use the harder version on the backhand side? Is 1.9mm better than 2.1mm for me?

My game is pretty much spin orientated, but it feels like I lack power on my forehand.
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Alt 15.08.2019, 22:52
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AW: Which sponge hardness and thickness to choose?

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I'm currently using andro Rasanter R37 on the backhand and forehand side, forehand 2.3mm sponge and backhand 2.0mm. My blade is Donic Waldner OFF World Champion 89.

I think the forehand rubber is too soft (it doesn't generate enough speed) and I want something harder than my current sponge with 37°.
37° is really very soft on the forehand side. For backhand it can be ok, but for your forehand you need a harder rubber.

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Would andro Hexer Powergrip 2,1mm on forehand and Hexer Grip SFX 2,1mm on backhand be a good combination?
Yes this is a good combination. You can also think about Butterfly Tenergy 05 and 05 FX or about Tibhar Evolution MX-P and FX-P, which are in my opinion the best rubbers.

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Should I also use the harder version on the backhand side?
If you play with your backhand hard and you like more to block than to play topspin or more harder topspins than softers topspins, then you can also play the harder version.

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Is 1.9mm better than 2.1mm for me?

My game is pretty much spin orientated, but it feels like I lack power on my forehand.
Due to the reason that you used before 2.3 mm and 2.0 mm, you should play not less than forehand 2.1 and backhand 1.9 mm. With 1.9 mm you will probably have more control with the receive and the block.
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Alt 19.08.2019, 10:30
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Youkai Youkai ist offline
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AW: Which sponge hardness and thickness to choose?

Lol I have 3 years old rubbers with 32.5° on both sides and get more speed and even more spin then most of the kids with their super hard highspeed rubbers into the ball ...
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