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Alt 13.03.2022, 00:54
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AW: ETTU - sanctions against the Russian association and clubs?

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Levitin's political role seems to be increasing with the war, if one can believe the official news below. That's not just about sports anymore.
Too big to fail.

Some guys will never fall. He is too strong connected in politics, he is a multiple millionaire, he is 70 years old, he gives a shit about being ETTU President.
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Alt 21.03.2022, 17:05
Tackiness Tackiness ist offline
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AW: ETTU - sanctions against the Russian association and clubs?

Igor Levitin is clearly a central figure in the Russian military-industrial complex. Last week he was involved in some more meetings on anti-sanction measures, see example below.

At the same time he's still listed as ETTU President on ettu.org - he stepped down only temporarily. Maybe it's time to find a permanent solution and acknowledge that his election was a mistake?

March 16, 2022. 13:00
Created under Presidential Executive Order of March 5, 2022, the State Council working group on economic issues and countering the spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19) held a meeting via videoconference to discuss efforts to shield the economy and the social safety net in the regions from the sanctions’ pressures.
Taking part in the meeting were Presidential Aide and State Council Secretary Igor Levitin, First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov, Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin, First Deputy Finance Minister Leonid Gornin, First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Vasily Osmakov, chairs of State Council commissions for socioeconomic development, as well as governors and deputy governors.
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Alt 02.04.2022, 14:18
Tackiness Tackiness ist offline
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Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)
AW: ETTU - sanctions against the Russian association and clubs?

The latest from the (self-suspended) ETTU President:


"We need to return to the system that was in the Soviet Union, there is nothing wrong with that."
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Alt 09.04.2022, 17:21
Tackiness Tackiness ist offline
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Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)
AW: ETTU - sanctions against the Russian association and clubs?

Good overview:

Most Olympic federations suspend Russian athletes, but officials go free
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Alt 13.07.2022, 10:10
William X
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AW: ETTU - sanctions against the Russian association and clubs?

Any news about this issue?

Levitin should not return.

Kind regards from Sweden, William
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