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Rules and Regulations Table Tennis rules and regulations. Need help with a rules-related dispute or having some controversial situation you couldn't solve on your own? Always wanted to learn how to serve legally? etc. >> powered by DONIC

Alt 09.01.2023, 02:43
Lily Vanili Lily Vanili ist offline
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Is boosting officially permitted in tabletennis?

I am new here. I was wondering if boosting is officially permitted in tabletennis.
I only received confusing & conflictng information & advice from many different peoples .
I am interested in official version & the rules that define this process
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Alt 09.01.2023, 08:48
Benutzerbild von zool
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AW: Is boosting officially permitted in tabletennis?

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I am new here. I was wondering if boosting is officially permitted in tabletennis.
I only received confusing & conflictng information & advice from many different peoples .
I am interested in official version & the rules that define this process
ITTF says this:

2.4.7 The racket covering shall be used without any physical, chemical or other treatment.
Zitat: The racket covering shall be used as it has been authorised by the ITTF without any physical, chemical or other treatment, changing or modifying playing properties, friction, outlook, colour, structure, surface, etc.; in particular, no additives shall be used.

Hope that helps and answers the question..
be water my friend.
TTG Sigmaringen/Laiz e.V.
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Alt 10.01.2023, 05:04
Benutzerbild von Ergosquare
Ergosquare Ergosquare ist gerade online
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AW: Is boosting officially permitted in tabletennis?

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I only received confusing & conflictng information & advice from many different peoples.
It would be interesting getting explained what you mean by "conflictng information"?
What zool wrote is obviously true, but maybe there's also some truth in the fact, that "racket coverings" is just another word for "topsheet"... because as far as I know only the topsheet gets approved by ITTF.
If so, it would be unclear if boosting the sponge will always afftect the topsheet (probably not always if done right) or at least it might be hard to decide if a potentially detected chemical affected the topsheet or only the sponge.
Is that a possible "conflict" that you refered to?
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