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Alt 15.12.2021, 20:58
sereba sereba ist offline
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I am VERY VERY disappointed with Scholer. Please ban all (long) pips. Ban all anti!

I have to say I am very hurt and disappointed that Scholer (& his puppet Weikert) did not issue the final deathblow to Dr.Neubauer at 2021 AGM in Houston by banning all pips & anti rubbers.

For the past 7 or 8 years after the plastic ball in 2013, ITTF had done nothing for me.

I love Scholer . He did it 1998 . He did it in 2008 . Both to go after Dr.Neubauer.

I was very much hoping Scholer would do so again in 2021. What a disappointment.

Petra Sorling, please ban all (long) pips. Ban all anti. Please save iocTT

Geändert von sereba (15.12.2021 um 21:00 Uhr)
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Alt 18.12.2021, 00:56
Dominikk85 Dominikk85 ist gerade online
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AW: I am VERY VERY disappointed with Scholer. Please ban all (long) pips. Ban all anti!

Why would they? Without long pips you can't play as a chopper and people love watching choppers.

In fact choppers are a dying breed anyway so why do you want to accelerate that?
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Alt 18.12.2021, 10:03
Omma Omma ist offline
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AW: I am VERY VERY disappointed with Scholer. Please ban all (long) pips. Ban all anti!

+choppers are easy prey.
Bryce 6 ml Waschbenzin - Stiga Infinity VPS - Bryce 6 ml Waschbenzin
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Alt 18.12.2021, 14:23
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AW: I am VERY VERY disappointed with Scholer. Please ban all (long) pips. Ban all anti!

It is important to preserve the variety of table tennis rubbers and styles.

Long pimples, short pimples, Anti and "normal" rubbers are important for table tennis and to support the different styles of table tennis.

If long pimples and Anti rubbers would be banned, it would be very bad for defenders and also for older players, which need these kind of rubbers to stay still competitive.
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Alt 20.12.2021, 02:45
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AW: I am VERY VERY disappointed with Scholer. Please ban all (long) pips. Ban all anti!

I am not sure about your replies. I think this is sarcasm because if you go to websites
http://ioctt.com and http://wdttf.com , you will understand clearly as to what all this means
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Alt 20.12.2021, 18:30
Benutzerbild von Lousy Defence
Lousy Defence Lousy Defence ist offline
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I am not sure about your replies. I think this is sarcasm because if you go to websites
http://ioctt.com and http://wdttf.com , you will understand clearly as to what all this means
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Alt 20.12.2021, 19:56
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AW: I am VERY VERY disappointed with Scholer. Please ban all (long) pips. Ban all anti!

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older players, which need these kind of rubbers to stay still competitive.
Only in TT players are kept competitive through material that compensates for physical and technical shortcomings.

Sometimes I think this is a good thing, enabling TT for any age and talent level.

Sometimes I think it would be ok to have those rubbers banned, and if you can´t compete doing whatever you can do with two normal rubbers, then you simply can´t compete.
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Alt 23.09.2024, 12:19
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Carline Carline ist offline
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Carline ist verbrannt und wird nicht mehr ernst genommen (Renommeepunkte mindestens -500)Carline ist verbrannt und wird nicht mehr ernst genommen (Renommeepunkte mindestens -500)Carline ist verbrannt und wird nicht mehr ernst genommen (Renommeepunkte mindestens -500)Carline ist verbrannt und wird nicht mehr ernst genommen (Renommeepunkte mindestens -500)Carline ist verbrannt und wird nicht mehr ernst genommen (Renommeepunkte mindestens -500)
AW: I am VERY VERY disappointed with Scholer. Please ban all (long) pips. Ban all anti!

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You are correct I think it is sarcasm
I think wdttf.com is discontinued for rewrite. Thanks partially to the thread below & talking to few coaches who started using smart rackets for children, I have deprogrammed myself of my ITTF's second brainwashing.

Thank you TT-News.de for the thread below

India floods the youth competition with material players
The above thread is what realy opened my eyes how I have been brainwashed by teh ITTF & its coaches for 30 years with their false claims that children shoudl only start with dumb rackets as Indian girls & their coaches in most TT academies (not just top pro women) in India have overwhelmingly rejected dumb rackets

However as far myself I am getting ready to contact Petra Sorling one more time before I contact the ITTF Executive Council & then the iTTF general council.
I have contacted them 5 or 6 times before but to no avail
I am just giving them one more chance.
I will just do so one more time before I move on IOC Council members and explain the situation over & over as to why table tennis must be expelled from 2028 Olympics. Of oourse the boosting and spein gluing would also be a major issue explained to them related to public health
& ITTF's refusal to do nothing at all levels of the sport (not some fake spot checking at pro levels & pretending the spein gluing / boosting is just a performance issue & asking everyone to foreget that it was & is primarily a health issue FIRST)
I have all the emails , FAX number etc. of all the 200 or so IOC council members.
I am in the process of collecting more personal dirt on each of them.

It is going to get extremely ugly for the coming next 4 years leading upto Los Angeles 2028 b because I doubt ITTF will do the right thing to correct al the 12 abuses of defensive styles since 1983.

Of course I want the 1998 Durban AR Reduction regulation & the 2004 Pip Density reduction regulation be repealed immediately at least to start with though a fair value for AR (Aspect Ratio) for current plastic ball would be 1.5
Of course Waldner & Rev .Larry Hodges & Swedish Association has asked for repeal of the 2008 Frictionless Pips ban. I would tend to think it should be repealed at least for Master's (Age over 40) events. though Waldner & Swedish Association wanted it to be repealed for all ages.
Post #17 in thread below.

Geändert von Carline (23.09.2024 um 12:44 Uhr)
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