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AW: Tabletennis too fast
Well if it isn't the leader of the weiner patrol, boning up on his nerd
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AW: No more changes!
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AW: Tabletennis too fast
@ Norbert:
If you forbid glueing your racket, the tt-industry won't make any profit. And because of this important reason the glue won't be forbidden. But maybe the industry will design something new what is in prize as high as the speed-glue. |
AW: Tabletennis too fast
I think the officials should see the high speed of tabletennis as a plus and use this for promotion/ advertising. The problem is that it`s too fast especially for spectators who are not playing tabletennis. In my opinion the 40 mm ball was no real improvent. Maybe it`s better to leave tabletennis like it is and not only try to change it to get more spectators/ TV-times. Because if you change too much you`ll lose players and spectators. Offtopic: A plus were the shorter sets, they made it more interessting for players and spectators. We´ll see what the new clues will change. Stefan |
AW: Tabletennis too fast
yes! my opionion!
i hope no new rules will come i hate the new speed glueing rule |
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