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Alt 29.05.2010, 22:18
m3ch_rip m3ch_rip ist gerade online
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AW: Vega Pro

... und für mich bitte noch ein Vergleich mit einem Tackiness C.
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Alt 29.05.2010, 22:20
Benutzerbild von Jack Beauregard
Jack Beauregard Jack Beauregard ist offline
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AW: Vega Pro

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... und für mich bitte noch ein Vergleich mit einem Tackiness C.
und dem Yasaka DO
Wenn ich für alles offen sein soll, dann bin ich irgendwann nicht mehr ganz dicht
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Alt 30.05.2010, 23:16
Jo92 Jo92 ist offline
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AW: Vega Pro

Welche hölzer könnten denn zum vega pro passen?
Ich konnte ihn kurz auf nem jhs testen,hat auch ganz gut geklappt hat. Mehr kann ich morgen dazu sagen wenn ich endlich wieder trainieren kann
Holz: JHS.\ Vh: X. Vega Pro schwarz 2.0.\
Rh: X. Vega Pro rot 2.0
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Alt 31.05.2010, 12:54
Benutzerbild von ToPsPiN kIlLeR
ToPsPiN kIlLeR ToPsPiN kIlLeR ist offline
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AW: Vega Pro

Recht gute review (von http://www.spinmantra.com/tabletenni...dpress/?p=2154) :

XIOM Vega Pro Rubber Review Part II
After I have tested the XIOM Vega Pro on different blades one after another, I get this notion that the XIOM Vega Pro is a clone of Butterfly Tenergy 05. I will not say XIOM Vega Pro is a replacement for Tenergy 05. XIOM Vega Pro is a Junior Butterfly Tenergy 05. It is for the players who liked the top spin curvy loop of Tenergy 05 but disliked its weight, hardness, uncontrollable high loop angle and lack of feel.


XIOM Vega Pro is lacking few qualities that Tenergy 05 has. The Tenergy 05 has excellent power on a top spin drive or loop stroke. The ball from Tenergy 05 kicks up on the bounce on the table with enormous power. The XIOM Vega lacks power in this area - it still kicks up, but lacks the power. Countering such drives or loops that come from Tenergy 05 is hard. Countering drives from XIOM Vega Pro is easier than Tenergy 05. This is where you have to spin the ball with side spin. That would be a win with XIOM Vega Pro - when you lack power, win with spin.


The XIOM Vega Pro shines high in this area, and have excellent spin from it’s skin (yes, I’m talking about the topsheet if you have not heard the name skin.). Are you a “feel and touch” player? You will like XIOM Vega Pro better. The Butterfly Tenergy 05 does not offer much to the player in feeling because of its hard feeling and weight.


The Butterfly Tenergy 05 has excellent speed. However, this speed at high speed rallies and slower game are not controllable. You have to be a “man on the job” to loop or drive to finish the point with Tenergy 05. The XIOM Vega Pro behaves differently in high speed and slower game. You have control over its speed with XIOM Vega Pro. Irrespective of its speed, the XIOM Vega Pro can’t carry enough power, speed and spin from mid-distance. The XIOM Vega Pro is a close to the table drive and looping tool.


The XIOM Vega Pro’s hardness is 47.5 as per the specification. This is not comparative to XIOM Omega III or Omega II’s hardness. The sponge is called carbo sponge. Even though the hardness is that high, the rubber skin is very springy, so there is more dwelling of the ball on the skin. The XIOM Vega Pro does not feel heavy or hard like Tenergy 05.

Defense, Push, Serves

Vega Pro is not a chopping rubber. It is neither a push machine. Don’t find it’s strength in defense, but in its driving and looping ability.

Throw Angle

The Butterfly Tenergy 05’s is famous for it’s high throw. I have not seen a way to control the throw. The XIOM Vega Pro gives you more control to change the throw or loop angle. Except that it lacks power, the Vega Pro can throw the ball high as Tenergy 05 can make.


The XIOM Vega Pro is a German rubber. It is not tacky in it’s exposure to the eye. Comparing with the other XIOM German made rubbers, I would like to say XIOM Vega Pro is mild tacky. The skin of XIOM Vega Pro has more natural rubber. The trend of natural rubber started in XIOM Zeta. The XIOM Vega Pro lasts little longer than other XIOM rubbers because of this reason. I have seen XIOM Zeta has more lifetime compared to Omega II or Omega III, and has some players used it for like 6 months. The XIOM Vega Pro continues this trend of durability.

Compared to XIOM Omega II and Omega II, Vega Pro has more grip over knuckle and underspin. Lifting heavy underspin with Omega II and Omega III is sometimes difficult especially in a humid condition. The Vega Pro is excellent to lift heavy under and knuckle balls. Have seen Timo Boll lifting the choppers heavy chops?

Glue Effect

XIOM Vega Pro is a German tensor with in-built speed glue effect. There is excellent click sound and control at high speed rallies. An amazing thing I liked about XIOM Vega Pro is that it’s overall impact on the blade, the performance of the rubber on the other side has not changed much at all. The Butterfly Tenergy series has 5% effect on the overall setup of a blade. The XIOM Omega III or II (or any tensor) has 20% effect on the blade. The XIOM Vega Pro has 7.5% effect. This is one reason I was attracted to XIOM Vega Pro very much. I would recommend XIOM Vega Pro for players who are very sensitive on their backhand whose strength is also a strong backhand. With a new rubber on their forehand some players feel they have lost their control and depth of their game from the table. The Vega Pro does not change the characteristics of the blade like other tensors, and is excellent compared in this characteristic to Tenergy 05.


The Professional players who know their safe zone and depth can migrate to XIOM Vega Pro easily. The XIOM Vega Pro will not change the overall blade balance and control - the reasons I have mentioned before. The players have to focus only on the side they put the XIOM Vega Pro, and that’s the only area they need to focus to change the strokes. This helps migrating to XIOM Vega Pro easy. I don’t want to give an impression that this is rubber is easy to migrate to being any type of player. The XIOM Vega Pro is a drive and looping rubber that need excellent skill, so consider your level before migrating to XIOM Vega Pro from any rubber.
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Alt 31.05.2010, 13:09
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AW: Vega Pro

oha...schönes review, aber wenn ich richtig gezählt habe steht da 35 mal das böse wort drin
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Alt 31.05.2010, 13:14
Benutzerbild von ToPsPiN kIlLeR
ToPsPiN kIlLeR ToPsPiN kIlLeR ist offline
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AW: Vega Pro

In dem Bericht steht ja, dass Bälle aus der Halbdistanz nicht so gut gehen würden, wie mit den Tenergys... kann jemand was dazu sagen?
Habe mir mal 2 Vega Pro´s bestellt... bin echt gespannt...wäre ja sensationell wenn es ne Tenergy Alternative wäre.
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Alt 31.05.2010, 15:14
haio-pay haio-pay ist offline
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AW: Vega Pro

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In dem Bericht steht ja, dass Bälle aus der Halbdistanz nicht so gut gehen würden, wie mit den Tenergys... kann jemand was dazu sagen?
Habe mir mal 2 Vega Pro´s bestellt... bin echt gespannt...wäre ja sensationell wenn es ne Tenergy Alternative wäre.
also ich fand den pro genial aus der halbdistanz.
besser als den tenergy 25, wobei der ja auch eher für das spiel am tisch gedacht ist.
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Alt 31.05.2010, 23:24
Florry Florry ist offline
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AW: Vega Pro

Heute waren die VOCs dann wirklich draußen...der Katapult war zwar vorhanden, aber für mein Empfinden nicht mehr "zuviel".
Der Belag spielte sich auch nochmal eine Spur härter, wobei wiederum das Obergummi etwas weniger straff rüberkam.

Der Absprung war auch nochmal eine wenig flacher (scheint auch absolut logisch bzgl. der "VOCs raus"-Theorie ).

Probleme hatte ich heute mich überhaupt in die Eröffnung zu trauen, da das Anschlaggefühl und generell das andere Katapultverhalt doch noch etwas ungewohnt ist...hier heisst es einfach trainieren, trainieren, trainieren.

Kurz-Kurz ging richtig gut...gerade kurzes ablegen hinter dem Netz ging scheinbar mühelos.

Alles in allem bin ich immernoch recht zufrieden. Der Belag bleibt erstmal als T05-Ersatz bei mir auf dem Schläger.
Ich glaube aber, dass ich nochmal ein Holz mit etwas höherem Absprung testen werden...welches das sein wird, weiss ich noch nicht
Gummi, rot, dicker - Holz, nicht zu schnell und nicht zu langsam - Gummi, schwarz, dünner

Geändert von Florry (01.06.2010 um 08:36 Uhr)
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Alt 01.06.2010, 10:41
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_Ma_Lin_Fan_ _Ma_Lin_Fan_ ist offline
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AW: Vega Pro

Ma Lin Carbon
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Alt 01.06.2010, 14:56
Florry Florry ist offline
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AW: Vega Pro

Hehe, nenee...erstmal ist noch das Stiga ONCT dran (welches ich länger gespielt hab als das WSC und somit besser kenne). Aber wohl erst Freitag
Gummi, rot, dicker - Holz, nicht zu schnell und nicht zu langsam - Gummi, schwarz, dünner
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