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AW: Is it a obligation on a table tennis tournament to play with orange balls?
Of course it's not an obligation that you have to use orange balls, look at wttc or olympics they have blue tables and white balls.
But maybe in the future they'll have the idea to establish this rule because of financial reasons. But I don't think so. |
AW: Is it a obligation on a table tennis tournament to play with orange balls?
normally orange balls should better be seen in TV but: 1. Only a really low proportion of tournaments are broadcasted in TV. 2. Even if they are broadcatsted (like e.g. the world cup in belgium 2 weeks ago) they play with white balls. I think the white ball can also be seen good in TV if the table is blue and the floor red. For sure there is no rule about it. White and orange balls are allowed and which one you choose does`t matter. Stefan |
AW: Is it a obligation on a table tennis tournament to play with orange balls?
The reason for yellow balls is simple: if the backround is very bright, white balls have bad visibility, that's when yellow balls are used. If both yellow and white balls are well visible against the backround, it's a matter of preference (and the white ball is normally used since it is kind of established as a standard).
AW: Is it a obligation on a table tennis tournament to play with orange balls?
Rheinhessen - ein sympathisches Stück Rhein-Main |
AW: Is it a obligation on a table tennis tournament to play with orange balls?
Maybe some countries have other rules, but in the most countries it is free to decide which ball colour the tournament will offer.
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